Local 8751 has today reached a Memorandum of Agreement with Transdev about the bid.
Transdev has agreed to Pay Retroactive to April 26 all drivers who bid a route this weekend that is worth more than the route Transdev assigned you on April 26th.
“If a driver’s current route flat-rate is increased as a result of the May 15th/May 16th bid, as described above, the driver will be retroactively compensated for the difference between the new flat rate and the actual flat rate that the driver received for the period of April 26, 2021 through May 23, 2021.”
Drivers now have until Today Wednesday at 7:30 PM to opt to join the bid.
New routes will become effective Monday, May 24.
Dry runs can be done Saturday May 15 – Sunday May 23.
In other news:
The Union has filed a Class Action grievance about Transdev’s wrongful denial of Attendance Bonuses to hundreds of drivers. There is a meeting tomorrow with Transdev to address the problem.
Today the Union’s attorney filed a protest letter demanding Transdev immediately unscrew the bus windows so that we can safely secure the buses in the evening.
Contract Justice!
No Concessions!