Boston union aids Standing Rock, Charlotte resistance

By Martha Grevatt posted on on September 26, 2016 On Sept. 22, the Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Steelworkers Local 8751 held its first membership meeting since the start of school. This writer had the rare opportunity to witness the union’s 40-plus-year tradition of solidarity in action. While in Boston, I was asked to give the membership an update on …

Boston School Bus Union West Coast tour shares lessons of victory

Posted on August 9, 2016 on, article by Hannah Kirschbaum and Stevan Kirschbaum A delegation from Team Solidarity, Boston School Bus Drivers, Steelworkers Local 8751 toured the West Coast from July 18 to 24 to bring the lessons of their recent historic victory against Veolia/Transdev/City of Boston union busting. Entitled “Solidarity Works,” the whirlwind, five-city tour included labor/community rallies; …