This agreement,
made and entered into as of this 1st day of July, 2011, by and between First
Student, Inc., and its successors and assigns (hereinafter referred to as the
"Company") and the United Steelworkers, AFL-CIO-CLC, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Union").
That in consideration of the mutual
reciprocal promises of the parties hereto, the parties covenant and agree as
Article 1 – Recognition
The Company recognizes the Union as
the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for all employees of the
Company who furnish regular and special service transport for school children
for the City of Boston, including but not limited to drivers, monitors, and
excluding but not limited to maintenance employees, office clerical employees,
supervisors and guards.
Article 2 – Contract with the School Committee for the City of Boston
It is recognized and agreed by the
parties hereto that the Company is employing the employees covered by this
Agreement so as to fulfill its obligations under its contract with the School
Committee of the City of Boston executed in 2003
(hereinafter referred to as "City Contract"). The City Contract requires the Company to
furnish school bus transportation services for the Boston Public Schools in
accordance with the various rights, conditions, requirements and specifications
set forth therein. Accordingly, notwithstanding the provisions of Article XIX
hereof, this Agreement is made subject to, and shall be governed by, both the
terms of the City Contract, and after negotiations between the Company and the
Union, by any amendments thereto which affect the terms and conditions of this
Negotiations concerning changes to the
City Contract shall be limited to the impact of such changes on the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and shall not be construed as making the Union a
party to the City Contract. All such
matters shall be subject to the provisions of the collective bargaining
agreement, including without limitation the grievance and arbitration provisions.
Article 3 – Union Shop
It shall be a condition of employment
that all present employees covered by this Agreement who are members of the
Union in good standing on the effective date of this Agreement shall remain
members in good standing during the term of this Agreement, and those who are
not members on the effective date of this Agreement, shall, on the thirtieth
calendar day following the effective date of this Agreement or on the thirtieth
calendar day of employment, whichever is later, become and remain members in
good standing in the Union. It shall
also be a condition of employment that all employees covered by this Agreement
and hired on or after its effective date shall, on the thirtieth calendar day
following the beginning of such employment, become and remain members in good
standing in the Union. Any employee who fails to maintain membership in the Union to
the extent of paying regular membership dues and initiation fees shall not be
retained in the employ of the Company, provided the Union gives the Company and
the employee fifteen (15) working days notice of request to terminate.
Article 4 - Payroll Deduction
The Company where so authorized and
directed by an employee, in writing, upon a check off authorization form will
deduct initiation fees and membership dues monthly in accordance with the
United Steelworkers International Constitution as designated by the United
Steelworkers International Secretary/Treasurer. The provisions of such
authorization form shall comply with the applicable requirements of the Labor
Management Relations Act of 1947, as now or hereafter amended. Membership dues shall be in an amount
currently certified by the Union to the Company as the uniform amount required
Said dues shall be wired via ACH to
the International Secretary/Treasurer, United Steelworkers of America, Five
Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222, within fourteen (14) days of
the date when the dues were directed by Local 8751 to be deducted, with due
consideration given to the scheduling needs of the Company, in compliance with
all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The Union shall submit
the dates for deductions to be made at the beginning of the school year. In the
case of a late remittance of dues moneys, a 10% charge or $200 (whichever is
greater) penalty per week will be paid. Each remittance shall be accompanied by
a list setting forth the names of those from whom the amounts of dues were
deducted, and copies sent to the regional office of the Union.
The Company shall be held harmless
from any legal action taken by an employee against it as a result of Union
error in the implementation of this Section.
Article 5 – Non-Discrimination
Section 1.
No employee or applicant for
employment covered by this Agreement shall be discriminated against because of
membership in the Union or because of activities on behalf of or against the
Union, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.
Section 2.
The Company agrees that it will not
discriminate in the hiring of employees or in their discipline, discharge or
otherwise because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or
sexual orientation. Neither the Company
nor the Union will tolerate any sexual harassment of any employee. The Company further agrees that it will not
discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment on the basis of
disability as defined by State and Federal discrimination laws or Vietnam-era
veteran status in regard to any position for which he or she is qualified.
Section 3.
The Company and the Union agree to
abide by all State and Federal laws relating to equal employment opportunities
and sex discrimination.
Section 4 – Civil Rights Committee
The Company and the Union agree that a
Civil Rights Committee shall exist for the purposes of discussing and
attempting to resolve issues of concern regarding racism, discrimination,
insensitivity, etc. Either party may
submit issues for discussion. The Civil
Rights Committee shall meet, when necessary, during the regularly scheduled Operational
Committee meetings.
The Operational Committee meetings
will be held every other week (i.e., twice per month) at mutually agreeable
dates and times. The Operational Committee
shall consist of seven (7) representatives from the Union [including the three
(3) full-time Union officers] and at least two (2) representatives from management. Operational Committee meetings will normally
not exceed a two (2) hour period.
Special meetings may be held at the request of either party. The Company shall provide payment of lost
wages for drivers working on the Operational Committee.
When possible, in order to facilitate
meaningful discussion, the parties shall exchange agenda items at least two (2)
work days before each regularly scheduled Operational Committee meeting date.
Article 6 – Probationary Period
Section 1.
It is expressly understood and agreed
that each new employee will be required to complete a probationary period
during which time the Company shall have the unqualified right to dismiss such
new employee. Such dismissal shall not
be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures of this Agreement. The Union may grieve any alleged
misapplication of pay or procedure on behalf of probationary employees. The length of
the probationary period shall be sixty (60) calendar
days from the commencement of employment, not including days not worked due to
absence from illness or injury, leaves of absence, layoffs, and other absences
from work. The probationary period may
be extended by mutual agreement between the Union and the Company.
Section 2.
The probationary employee shall have a
right to have a steward represent the Employee at any disciplinary hearing. Such Employee shall receive written notice of
the reason of his/her discipline and/or dismissal, in the event that he/she is
disciplined and or discharged from employment.
The Union will be copied on any notice issued.
Section 3.
The Company will waive the
probationary period for any new employee who is already a Boston School Bus
Driver and a member in good standing of the Union at the time of his/ her
hire. The Company will waive the
probationary period for any new employee who is already a Boston School Bus
Monitor and a member in good standing of the Union at
the time of his/her hire, for monitor positions.
Section 4.
Article V (Non Discrimination) will apply to probationary
employees. If the Union requests a
meeting with the Company to discuss alleged discrimination against a
probationary employee under Article V of this Agreement, the Company will meet
with the Union to discuss the matter.
Section 5.
Employees will be eligible for fringe
benefits below after thirty (30) calendar days of employment. However, this period will run concurrently
with the waiting period, if any, for medical insurance.
Article 7 - Wages
Section 1.
Employees in the bargaining unit shall
be compensated during the term of this Agreement in accordance with the wage
scale as set forth in Appendix A.
Section 2 - Overtime.
Overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one half
(1 1/2) times the employee's average straight time rate for hours worked in
excess of forty (40) hours in a normal work week. Paid holidays and cancellation days are
considered time worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.
Section 3 - Minimums.
When an employee is directed to and does report to work during a report
period for a.m. and/or p.m. Standard Daily Transportation Service, and the Company
assigns that employee some report period driving work but less than two and one
half (2 ½) hours of such report period driving work during the report period,
the employee shall receive a minimum guarantee of two and one half (2 ½) hours of pay at the Report rate for that
report period.
When an employee is directed to and does report to work during a report
period, and the Company does not assign that employee any driving work during
that report period, the employee shall be deemed to be a standby operator and
shall receive two and one half (2 ½) hours
of pay at the Report rate for that report period.
When an employee is directed to report to and does work at anytime and
is assigned charter or additional trip work, and the Company does not assign
that employee at least two (2) hours of such driving work, the employee shall
receive two (2) hours of pay at the Charter rate.
There shall be no duplication or pyramiding of the minimum pay provided
for above. Where a particular work
assignment is performed during periods which span two or more minimum pay
classifications, only the highest applicable single pay rate at the minimum guarantee
amount shall be paid. For purposes of
this Section, a "work assignment" shall be deemed to include either a
single work assignment or several continuous work assignments coupled with each
other so that together the assignments total the particular minimum number of
hours set forth above in (a) through (c) for the type of work assigned,
regardless of whether such assignments occurred within or outside the report
In the event school is canceled by the School Department due to snow, the Company will endeavor to
advise the School Department to announce such cancellation by 5:30 A.M.
If such announcement is made by 5:30 A.M., the minimums set forth in (a)
through (c) above shall not apply. If such announcement is made after 5:30
A.M., those drivers whose normal punch in time falls within thirty-five (35)
minutes of the announcement shall be paid the minimums set forth above.
Article 8 – Hours of Work
The normal work week begins on Sunday
and ends on the following Saturday. The
hours of work shall be determined by the Company pursuant to the directions
received from the School Committee or its officials or representatives. The
parties also recognize that the Company has a centralized payroll system and
agree that the work week may change in the future. The Company will give the Union two (2) weeks
written notice prior to any such change.
Article 9 – Miscellaneous Benefits
Section 1 - Workers' Compensation.
The Company will continue to insure
each employee under the Massachusetts Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Security Laws.
Section 2 - Bulletin Boards.
The Company shall assign a secured,
glass covered bulletin board no less than four feet by eight feet at each of
its yards which may be used by the Union for the sole purpose of posting
notices. All notices posted on the
bulletin board will be approved by the Union before posting. Nothing of a derogatory nature to the Company
shall be posted.
Section 3 - Medical Examinations.
The Company shall pay for an
employee's initial medical examination upon employment or any subsequent
physical examination directed by the Company and/or required by any
governmental licensing agencies, including, but not limited to, physical
examination for license renewal.
Article 10 – Safety and Training
Section 1 - Safety Policy Committee
A Safety Policy Committee will be
established for the purpose of considering matters or suggestions affecting the
safety of the employees.
The Committee will consist of three (3)
representatives from the Company. The
Union representatives shall consist of the President, Vice President, and up to
two (2) representatives from each yard.
The Company shall provide payment of lost wages for drivers working on
this committee. The Committee shall meet at least once per month at mutually
agreeable times. The position of Chairperson of the Committee shall be rotated between the
Company and the Union.
The Committee will pursue a program of
AIDS awareness and education for the employees, including educational training
sessions, distributions of educational materials, etc. The Company will supply the Committee with a
monthly analysis of student incidents (from reports) occurring on the buses and
responses by the School Department – breakdown of types of incident (violence,
weapons, disorderly conduct, vandalism, etc.).
The Committee will also continue to address the question of monitors.
The Committee will work with the parent organizations (Citywide Parents Council, Special Needs Parents
Council, etc.) on areas of joint concern.
The Committee will publish a regular “Safety Bulletin” to the work force.
The Safety Policy Committee shall draw up a list
of unsafe bus conditions based on Federal and State laws, the regulations of
the Registry of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Public Utilities
and any other relevant government agency, and Company policy.
Safety Policy Committee Guidelines for an Out of Service Bus
Defects Constituting an Out of Service bus include, but shall not be limited to:
School Bus Inspection Sticker
Massachusetts Inspection Sticker
in Flooring (exhaust fumes or road debris inside vehicle)
Parking Brake
Service Brakes and brake lights
light warnings, including ABS
Driver’s Seat Belt
Torn and/or Stuffing Removed to Allow Exposed Metal or Student contact with
windows or windshield
Front or Emergency Door or Emergency exits
School Bus Lights
Windshield Wipers in yard (on the road, inclement weather only)
Defrosters in yard (on the road, inclement weather only)
Play in Steering Wheel
Air Brakes
Vacuum Booster
Turn Signals
4- way flashers
First Aid Kit, Missing or Defective Fire Extinguisher, Missing Chock Blocks,
Body Fluid Kit, or Flares/Triangles
Fluid Leaks Underneath Vehicle
School Bus Sign
or Missing Mirrors
or Missing Stop Arms
Transmission or Gear Shift
Fuel Tank Cap
Back-Up Alarm and/or Back–Up Lights
Heat (cold weather only)
Two- way Radio
Exhaust system
Additional Items for Special Education Vehicles (Buses with “Safety Seats”, Wheelchair Buses)
or Missing Seat Belts
or insufficient Car Seats
or Insufficient Number of Tie-Downs/Lap-Shoulder Belts for Wheelchairs
Wheelchair Lift
Any driver whose bus is unsafe
according to these criteria may refuse to drive that bus without loss of
pay. A driver will not unreasonably use
these guidelines in order to avoid doing his/her normal work. Any driver who does so will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Safety Policy Committee Protocol for Identifying a Bus with a Safety Defect
USW Local 8751 and First
Student, meeting in the Safety Policy Committee, have agreed that every bus shall be equipped with an
envelope, attached to the bus’s front interior, containing the following items:
A current Daily Vehicle Condition Report
(DVCR) – stays on bus.
A “Defect Reported. Do Not Operate!” sign
This Protocol and the “Guidelines for
an Out Of Service Bus”.
If a driver determines that a bus has
a safety defect, based on the “Safety Policy Committee Guidelines for an Out
Of Service Bus” (see reverse), the following steps should be taken:
1) Driver Notes the Defect(s) on the DVCR, signs it, tears off the white page, and takes it to the dispatcher.
2) Driver places the “Defect Reported. Do Not Operate!” sign in the bus windshield. Driver notifies dispatch of the downed
bus. A technician then verifies the problem.
3) Dispatch attaches a “Defect Reported. Do Not Operate!” sign to the Downed Bus’s
clipboard, and hangs it in public view in the dispatch office, alongside
boards of all other Downed Buses.
Dispatch also lists the bus as down on its magnetic board.
4) The “Downed Buses” log will be available for inspection by Union
members throughout the day.
5) A bus will be considered “Downed”, and
the “Defect Reported. Do Not Operate!” sign shall remain in its
windshield, until a technician signs the DVCR as “corrected”
6) A driver then verifies the defect has
been corrected and signs off the DVCR on the verification line.
Section 2 – Safety
The Company will maintain its
equipment and facilities as required by law and will not knowingly require a
driver to operate a bus which does not conform to legal standards or which
endangers the driver's or any other person's health or physical safety. It is the employee's responsibility to inform
his/her supervisor of any safety defects that he/she could reasonably know
about. The Company will repair all
defects that are brought to its attention as soon as possible.
The Company will keep facilities in
each yard in clean and sanitary condition.
This includes keeping toilet facilities stocked with soap, paper,
etc. Terminal managers at each yard will
be responsible for keeping facilities maintained. The Company will provide adequate
rest room facilities. There will be a
minimum of one (1) toilet per fifty (50) employees of each sex in each yard. There
shall be a minimum of two air hand driers, two hand sanitizers, and twice per
day cleaning of the bathroom facilities.
The Company and the Union shall
immediately meet to jointly resolve current facilities problems, including but
not limited to rest rooms, flooding, parking, etc.
Facilities Committee
The Company
and the Union agree that a Facilities Committee shall exist for the purpose of discussing
issues regarding the Company’s workplace facilities and to jointly work toward
improvements at each bus facility – including but not limited to restrooms, parking,
drivers’ room conditions, lighting, space for union administrative work, etc.
Facilities Committee shall meet, when necessary, during the
regularly scheduled Operational
Committee meetings. The Operational Committee meetings will be held every other week
(i.e., twice per month) at mutually agreeable dates and times. The Operational Committee shall consist of
seven (7) representatives from the Union (including the three (3) full-time Union
officers) and at least two (2) representatives from management. Operational Committee meetings will normally not exceed a two (2)
hour period. Special meetings may be
held at the request of either party. The Company shall provide payment
of lost wages for drivers working on the Operational Committee.
possible, in order to facilitate meaningful discussion, the parties shall
exchange agenda items at least two (2) work days before each regularly scheduled
Operational Committee meeting date.
Monitors and Behavioral Problems
The following is the issue referred to
in the Contract as Monitors and Behavioral Problems. It is understood that the parties will work
to resolve these matters. However, it is
understood that the monitors are School District employees under contract to
the School Department and that their hiring, training, and placement
are under the direction of the School Department.
All wheel chair routes shall have
monitors. All monitors shall be
adequately trained. In the case of a behavioral
problem on any other route, including regular education routes, the driver of
the route will file incident reports with his/her supervisor explaining such
problems. After three (3) reports are
filed on a particular route, the company will have a supervisor drive that
route for one report period to review the problem. The driver of the problem route will be placed
on stand-by for this one (1) report period and be paid a minimum of his/her
flat rate. After supervisor review and
verification of the problem, a monitor will be assigned to the problem route.
Section 3 - Training.
The Company shall provide training as
required by the relevant law and the City Contract. Drivers will be given adequate notice of all
training sessions and are required to attend.
No one may, except where permitted by law, drive on school runs who is
not fully trained or licensed. All
drivers will be trained and the Company will assist the drivers in obtaining
the necessary licenses during the probationary period.
The Company will pay the license fees.
Renewal training will be paid at the Charter rate.
Drivers will be fully informed at all
times as to their rights and responsibilities with the school children as well
as all relevant rules and regulations covering the handling of school
The Company will notify drivers sixty
(60) calendar days prior to the expiration of the employee's license. If a driver is prevented from obtaining
his/her license due to the negligence of the Company, then the Company will be
liable for lost time.
The Company will give two (2) weeks’
notice on training sessions. The Company
will endeavor to schedule training sessions so as not to conflict with normal
run times. If an employee misses a
training session, the employee will be eligible to attend the next scheduled
training session, but the Company will not pay the employee for training
session missed. A driver who misses a
scheduled training session shall be permitted to attend as a make up the next
scheduled training session offering training in compliance with state law.
The Company agrees to provide CDL training for all 7D-van drivers who wish it,
by seniority, and to allow 7D-van drivers to move up to CDL work before hiring
outside CDL drivers. CDL training
sessions will be held at least quarterly if needed to train all 7D-van drivers
who sign up for it. The Company shall
provide upgrade training to at least twenty (20) drivers each school quarter.
Time spent on retraining due to an
accident will not be counted toward the eight (8) hours license renewal training,
but will be paid.
The Company will give absolute
preference to CDL job openings to current bargaining unit
employees. The details of this will be
worked out between the parties.
The Company agrees to provide a
minimum of five (5) hours of Special Needs training per month including on weekends. There will be no Special Needs training on
holidays, (including school holidays).
This training schedule will not affect accident retraining. This
training will be available to all drivers.
The Company will provide a minimum of eight (8) hours renewal training
per month including on week-ends. There
will be no mandatory renewal training on holiday (including school holiday)
week-ends. This training schedule will not affect accident and other training
schedules. The Company agrees that
negligence on its part in the above will render it liable for all losses
suffered by Union members resulting from said negligence.
Joint Occupational Health Committee
The purpose
of the Joint Committee on Occupational Health is to oversee and monitor all
activities relevant to the occupational health of the Boston School Bus Drivers
as well as of other employees of the Company. The work of the Committee
includes, but is not limited to: Open and publicized monthly meetings of the
Committee, which will consist of the Committee Chairperson, a Union
representative from each of the bus yards, a mechanic representative, and a
representative from the Training and Safety Department (A representative from the School
Department would be welcome at these meetings); Educating
and exchanging information on Workers' Compensation; causes, remedies and
preventative measures; Training for Committee members and other interested
company employees in the teaching of classes on ergonomics and other occupational
health related issues; Teaching classes on ergonomics and other occupational
health related issues offered on a monthly basis, or as scheduled by the
committee, for all Company employees; Conducting an annual survey on the health
conditions of the drivers.
Student's support for this work will include: Payment of lost time for Union
representatives with the mutual understanding that the Union will work
cooperatively with the Company to avoid unnecessary disruption of services;
Payment of Charter Rate for drivers who attend ergonomics
training and other occupational health training; Material support in the form
of stationery, copying, use of inter-office mail, etc.; Cooperation in the
administration of the health survey and other work of the Committee; Assistance
in the establishment of a computer data base incorporating the results of the
health survey, Workers' Compensation statistics, and other pertinent data as
identified by the committee; Facilitating operator/mechanic input to the
Maintenance Evaluation Specialist for the purpose of suggesting specifications
for new equipment purchases; Cooperation in the seeking of grant monies for the
purpose of continuing the work of the Committee, funding ergonomically designed
bus equipment, or other pertinent issues relating to the work of the Committee. The Committee's premises are: According to
the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the transportation industry is rated among the
most dangerous to the health of workers; And that the Boston School Bus Drivers
suffer an increasingly high rate of injury for reasons which include, but are
not limited to, the absence of ergonomically designed vehicles, duration of
employment, aging of the workforce, and increased risk factors associated with
diesel powered fleets. The parties to this agreement seek to establish a data
base which will verify the Committee's premise, identify and quantify other
related issues, and use this information to reduce, mitigate, or eliminate
those factors which negatively affect the health of the employees and the costs
associated with work related injuries.
Licensing Procedure.
(a) At the scheduled driver training sessions the
trainer will instruct all drivers as to the procedure to be followed with the
Company and the Union to collect and deliver licensing information to the
appropriate licensing agencies. Drivers
will be informed that failure to follow the established procedure will result
in the driver's responsibility to deliver his/her own information to the
appropriate licensing agencies.
(b) Drivers will submit
the necessary licensing documents to the company in a timely manner and the
company will be responsible for timely delivery of same to the appropriate
(c) The Company will arrange for a physician to
be available at training sessions to perform the required physical examination.
(d) The Company and the Union will jointly
endeavor to arrange a special expedited procedure with the appropriate
licensing agencies to handle the licensing of Boston School Bus Drivers as well
as deal with individual problems that drivers encounter with these agencies.
(e) The Company will permit drivers who are awaiting
their license renewal to drive on their CDL on an emergency basis. If after this period of time the driver still
does not have his/her license due to circumstances beyond his/her control, the
driver may elect to take a voluntary layoff.
(f) Time
that a driver misses while awaiting his/her license renewal shall not be
considered as absenteeism as defined in Article 17.
a) The Company will cooperate with
drivers who want to get, or to renew, a Commercial Drivers License (CDL).
b) The Company will provide CDL training classes every other Saturday / school
holidays and on lay off weeks including but not limited to a minimum of one
(1) 2-hour evening training per
week. Special consideration will be
given to those who are unable to attend Saturday sessions due to religious
CDL and license renewal training sessions, normally
scheduled for four (4) hour sessions on Saturdays, holidays, and during
layoffs, shall be open to all drivers who wish to attend. Credit for these sessions shall be divided
into two (2) hour segments, e.g. 8 am - 10 am, 10 am - 12 pm. Drivers may attend either or both two hour
segments for credit, and may audit any segment of any session. Drivers arriving late shall be docked for
that amount of time missed.
The Company shall give absolute
preference in hiring to Local 8751 members as well as school bus monitors. The Company will provide access to driver
training to these Local 8751 members and monitors. The Company agrees to promptly notify the
Union of any monitors whose application for employment as a driver has been
rejected and the reasons why. Those rejected
will be retained on file for future consideration for one year from the date of
application. The Company agrees to make
the Training office available to monitors for advice and
guidance regarding driver advancement and to provide access to upgrade
training. The Company agrees to correct
the seniority of any individual denied absolute preference as defined above. The Company shall have the discretion to hire
new bus drivers off-the-street should no monitors be licensed and available to
start work immediately.
Drug/Alcohol Screening
The Company and the Union agree that
all the students transported under the terms of this contract are precious
cargo and of equal value. Accordingly, it is agreed that all operators
(including 7D drivers) will be subject to Drug and Alcohol screening, pursuant
to federal mandates, and in accordance with the following protocol.
1. The Union and the Company agree
that pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion and random
drug/alcohol testing will be conducted in accordance with Federal D.O.T. regulations. In order
to promote full confidence in the fairness of the testing, the following
procedures will be followed.
2. The testing pool will be made up of
all CDL holders (drivers and management) and 7D
drivers, and will be subject to random testing, in accordance with Federal
D.O.T. regulations.
3. All drug testing records maintained
by the Company will be kept separate from regular personnel files and be
maintained in the strictest confidence. No test results for any employee will
be shown or released to any third party (unless required by law) without the employee's
express written consent.
4. Union employees subject to testing
retain all rights under the contract including Article 13.
5. In the event an employee tests
positive for controlled substances and/or alcohol, the employee will be
immediately removed from service and will be encouraged to enroll in a
recognized Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP) in accordance with Article 11, Section
4, but in no event will the employee be permitted to return to duty until
successful completion of such a program. The Company and/or the Union will
assist the employee, if requested, in identifying and enrolling in a recognized
6. If the employee chooses to enroll
in the SARP, the employee will be placed on a
Medical Leave of Absence and have access to the Sickness and Accident Insurance while enrolled in the SARP. Should the employee
refuse to participate in the SARP, or fail to successfully complete the SARP,
the employee shall have no further entitlement to a leave of absence or the
Sickness and Accident Insurance, and will be deemed to have
abandoned his employment.
7. Upon certification by a competent
medical authority that he/she has successfully completed a SARP, the
employee will be permitted to return to duty, subject to Return to Duty and
Follow-up testing in accordance with D.O.T. guidelines.
8. A subsequent positive test will
result in discharge.
9. Random testing schedules will be
set in accordance with operational needs, however the Company will make every
effort to schedule such testing in a manner which will result in the least
possible disruption of employees' personal schedules, appointments, etc. However,
an employee may never refuse to submit to a required test.
Article 11 – Leaves of Absences
Section 1 - Maternity Leave.
Maternity leave shall be treated the same as a leave for
sickness or disability; an employee who is out on a maternity leave shall be
eligible for sickness and accident benefits as outlined in this Agreement. Whenever an employee shall become pregnant,
she shall furnish the Company with a certificate from her physician stating the
expected date of delivery. She shall be
permitted to continue to work provided her physician certifies she is able to
do so. If the company directs an
employee to take a leave prior to the birth of their child, the employee's flat
rate will be maintained for the duration of such directed leave. For the purposes of this provision, a standby
flat rate shall be determined as otherwise stated in this agreement. In the
event that the employee's condition should be determined by her physician as
rendering her unable to continue her work in a safe manner and without the probability
of injury to herself or the fetus, she shall furnish the Company with a
statement from her physician to this effect, and shall be granted a maternity
leave. The maternity leave policy will
comply with applicable Federal and State laws.
This leave can be extended to a Child Care Leave.
Section 2 - Military Leave.
An employee who
is called to serve on active military service in the Army National Guard, the
Air National Guard, or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United
States shall be granted a military leave of absence. The Company will pay such employees the
difference between his/her military pay and his/her normal flat rate pay, if
the normal flat rate pay is higher.
These employees (as well as employees who voluntarily enlist in the U.S.
Armed Forces) shall continue to accumulate seniority during the military leave
of absence. After discharge from active
duty, the employee shall report to work within ninety (90) days and will be
reinstated to his/her former position.
All employees on a military leave of absence must present their official
orders from the military branch commander-in-chief before approval is granted.
Section 3. Bereavement Leave.
All full time employees shall receive
three (3) consecutive scheduled (or four (4) days in the case of out-of-state
travel) work days of paid bereavement leave following the death of a father,
mother, spouse, child, step child, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, or
in laws. Spouse, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall include anyone with
whom the employee lives in a marital like relationship regardless of whether a
marriage ceremony has actually taken place.
Likewise, stepchild shall include any children of a spouse in the above
sense. An employee must identify in
writing the individuals intended. Bereavement leave will not be paid for any day on which
the employee is not scheduled for work.
If the bereavement leave is taken on a scheduled work day, the employee
will be paid an amount equal to that employee's average daily earnings during
the then current payroll week. The Company
reserves the right to request verification from the employee. Verification will consist of documentation that
verifies the relationship of the deceased to the employee, funeral date, and
location. Documentation may include one
of the following:
Death Certificate
Pamphlet given at the
Obituary from the
Letter from the Pastor
Letter from Funeral
Section 4 - Illness or Disability Leave.
Illness or disability leaves of absence shall be
granted by the Company. There shall be
no limit on the lengths of such leaves.
The Company reserves the right to request a doctor's certification no
more often than once every thirty (30) days.
Upon request of an employee to participate in a recognized Substance
Abuse Rehabilitation Program (SARP), the company shall grant an illness
leave of absence. The employee shall be
re-instated to his/her former position in the bargaining unit upon successful
completion of the program.
Section 5 - Jury Duty Leave.
All employees called for jury duty
shall notify the Company immediately upon receipt of the subpoena. Employees shall be paid for any time lost
while on jury duty, including jury selection, provided that the employee shall
turn in the court appearance certificate and jury fee, if any, before the
Company will compensate the employee for the time lost, regardless of the
length of time the employee is required to serve on jury duty. All holidays or Supplemental Unemployment Benefits for which the employee is otherwise
eligible shall also be compensated. Each
employee shall be required to furnish evidence of jury service on a daily basis
in order to receive credit for jury duty.
Section 6 - Blood Bank Leave.
A reasonable number of employees with
the approval of the Company will, upon request, be granted the "PM"
portion of one day a personal leave with pay for the purpose of donating blood
to a blood bank, provided there is no disruption to the operation of the City
of Boston. Verification of the giving of
blood at the blood bank will be required.
It is understood that this leave will not be considered time lost for
purposes of the attendance bonus.
Section 7 - Emergency Leave.
Emergency leave shall be granted to the employee upon
notice to the Company with reason for such leave. If the employee so requests,
payments for any past work due to the employee shall be made prior to taking
the emergency leave, if possible. At the
request of the employee, the Company will mail the paycheck to the employee's
designated address. Emergency shall be
defined as an important disruption in an employee's life, such as, but not
limited to, death in the family, illness in the family, etc.
Section 8 - Personal Business Leave.
Personal leaves of absence may be
granted by the Company. The leave will
not be denied unreasonably. An employee
requesting personal business leave of absence shall notify the Company as far
in advance as possible.
Section 9 - Union Business.
Any employee requiring leave due to
union business shall be granted same by Company upon request. There shall be no limit on the length of such
leaves. The Union will accommodate the
efficient operation of the Company in the application of this Section. No more than fifteen (15) employees will be
granted such leave at any one time. This
does not include absences of less than one (1) week for union business which
are covered under Article XVII. Individual employees on leave for union
business will have their benefits maintained for up to six weeks.
Section 10 - Child Care Leave.
An employee shall be entitled to a
child care leave (related to the birth of the employee's child or the adoption
by the employee of a child of less than seven (7) years of age) for a period of
up to two (2) years. At the end of the
two (2) years, the leave may be renewed.
Section 11.
Seniority shall continue to accumulate during military,
illness, disability and Union business leaves of absence for the duration of
the leave. Seniority shall be frozen for
any employee on personal business leave for more than sixty (60) days from the
date the leave was taken. Seniority
shall be frozen after one (1) year for any employee on any other type of leave
of absence.
Section 12.
An employee's route will be held open
for authorized leaves of absence of less than sixty (60) days, except for
authorized leaves granted for personal business, in which case routes will be
held open for authorized leaves of less than twenty five (25) days. For requests for leaves of absence of more
than sixty (60) days, or personal leaves in excess of twenty five (25) days,
the driver's route will be placed up for permanent bid, except for jury duty or
medical leaves, (including Workers Compensation,) which will be placed up for permanent
bid only by mutual agreement of the parties.
When an employee whose route has not been held open returns from leave
of absence the employee will bid on open positions or be placed on stand-by
until the next bid if there are no open positions.
Section 13.
The Company will copy the Recording
Secretary of the Union and Chief Stewards in their respective yards on all
leaves of absence documentation for all employees immediately upon granting
such leave.
Section 1 - Definition
Seniority is defined as the length of time an employee
has been continuously employed within the bargaining unit. All union employees
who are hired by the Company after August 1, 1985, as a result of a transfer of
work to this Company from any other Company engaged in transporting school
children for the City of Boston, and who were union members at the other
company shall be placed on the seniority list in accordance with their position
on the Union's City‑wide School Bus Drivers Master Seniority List.
The Company
will keep posted an updated City‑wide School Bus Drivers Master Seniority List as prepared by the Company. Seniority
lists will be posted in each yard one (1) month prior to each bid period (as described
in section 7 below) and one (1) month prior to the anticipated end of the
school year ( as published by the Boston School Department), but not less than on a quarterly
basis. Stewards and officers of the
Union will be supplied with a copy of the Seniority list whenever it is
Determination of Seniority position is the sole and exclusive domain of
the Company. Any disputes regarding
Seniority shall be resolved through Art. 13.
Seniority disputes arising from causes pre-dating this
agreement will be handled according to the grievance and arbitration procedure outlined in Art. 13.
Section 2 - Accrual
Seniority shall commence after the completion of an
employee's probationary period and shall be retroactive to that employee's date
of hire. Seniority shall accrue only for
employees who perform bargaining unit work for at least ten (10) hours per work
week on a regular basis.
Section 3 - Termination of Seniority
An employee shall cease to have
seniority and his or her employment with the Company shall be considered terminated
for all purposes when any of the following occur:
(a) Resignation
or quit
(b) Discharge after exhaustion of appeals
(c) Absence from work without notice for a period
of three (3) consecutive working days except for reasonable cause
(d) Seniority during leave of
absence is covered under Article XII, Section 11 of this Agreement
(e) Failure to report or return to work within
seven (7) Days following the termination of a leave of absence
(f) Failure to
return from layoff within one (1) week after receipt of notice by registered or
certified mail by the Company sent to the employee's last known address.
Section 4 - Application
Seniority shall apply in the determination of
eligibility for leaves of absence and in determining work selection as outlined
in this Agreement, layoffs and recall.
Section 5 - Reduction in Forces
The Company agrees that there will be
no layoffs in the 2011-2012 school year.
During the remaining two years of the
contract the Company, after notice from the school department, will provide
thirty (30) days notice to the Union and will meet and confer with the Union
about possible layoff. In the event of a
layoff the Company will attempt to place drivers who are being laid off with other
First Student locations.
In the event that a reduction in force
becomes necessary in the bargaining unit, employees will be laid off in reverse
seniority order from the City-wide Seniority List.
However, a senior driver may elect to voluntarily take a layoff in lieu
of a less senior driver; the Company shall have no responsibility to notify
drivers not subject to layoff by virtue of seniority.
In the event that the only work
available to a driver is paid at an hourly rate lower than the work that the
driver had previously been doing, then that driver may elect to take a layoff
rather than accepting the lower paid work.
In such a case, the driver will only be recalled when work paid at the
hourly rate he/she had previously been making becomes available; unless and
until he/she informs the Company in writing that he/she is willing to do work
at the lower hourly rate. In such case
the recall provisions will apply when an opening occurs.
Section 6 – Charter Work (Additional
Work- Field trips, Athletics, non-route shuttling, etc.)
The Company shall maintain eleven (11)
separate seniority lists; two (2) Master Lists of all employees (Daily and
Weekend/Holiday/Vacation) and nine (9) lists ranking
the Employees within each of the former nine (9) school districts. A driver is
considered to be assigned to the district of the last school of the morning
run. The district seniority lists will be posted in each yard and will indicate
Bus number, Driver Name and Seniority Number. The Company will designate a Charter Monitor for each terminal to have responsibility to
administer the system. Charter work shall be bid and awarded by rotation from
these seniority lists. The names and assignments of drivers who have been
awarded charter work will be posted in all terminals. Charter work shall be
posted on the bulletin board along with the appropriate seniority list,
including who is next in line for work. Charters may only be assigned on an
emergency basis. This emergency work shall be limited to work for which the
company had less than two (2) hours advance notice. If, in an emergency,
charter work is given to an employee outside his/her place on the rotation,
that Employee's name shall be skipped over the next time it comes up in the
There shall be no penalty for
declining a charter award, other than the driver being passed on the seniority
list. All charter awards will be available to stewards for inspection daily.
In the event of substantial
modifications to the present charter system or new types of additional work,
the details for implementing the bid system for this work will be negotiated
between the Company and the Union prior to implementation.
Master Charter Work
Definition: Field trips and other
charter work commencing at 4:00 PM or thereafter on week days, and weekends,
vacation and holidays. Master Charter work shall be available to all employees on
the basis of rotation from the Master Seniority List and shall be posted in all yards for
bidding by all drivers, provided that the bidding driver can perform the work.
All drivers who hold a CDL Class B license may bid on any charter
requiring a CDL Class B vehicle.
There shall be two (2) separate
rotations of the Master Seniority List for Master charters; one for weekdays and
one for weekends and holidays.
Any violation of the above procedure
will render the company liable for all losses.
District Charter Work
Field trips that fall within regular
school hours (6:00 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday, except holidays) shall be
posted and bid on by those drivers who regularly work within the appropriate
district (based on the former nine (9) School Department configuration) on the basis of rotation from
the seniority list of that district. Non-route drivers, city-wides and
stand-bys, shall bid by seniority prior to the beginning of the school year
upon their district.
A review of the above procedure
regarding charter assignments may be initiated by the Union within the first ninety
(90) work days of the contract. Upon written
request for such review the parties shall begin negotiations within seven (7)
days for a new procedure.
Section 7 - Selection of Runs
With regard to route bidding there
shall be a preliminary bid prior to the start of the school year.
A second bid will be conducted on the
third Saturday of October with resulting route changes to be effective on the
fourth Monday in October, provided that the new driver makes his/herself
available for training on the new route on the Saturday and Sunday after the
bid at the Company's discretion. This
training will be paid at charter rate.
The routes available for bid in
October will be limited to new routes, routes which have changed as indicated
below, and routes of drivers who opt to bid.
third bid will be conducted in February at the Kindergarten session change.
A fourth bid will be held in
April. Routes posted for this bid shall
be confined to newly created routes since February.
A fifth bid
will be held for "Summer Work".
There will be no other bids.
The Company shall mail notifications
to the drivers' last home address of record two (2) weeks prior to the annual
bidding. These notifications shall
include the dates on which the routes will be posted and their locations; the
date, place and time of the annual bid; and bidding procedure.
Route sheets will be posted for a minimum
of three (3) working days before each bid. These sheets will contain the
following information: the vehicle
number and type, the time assigned to each route (flat rate); the name,
location, and scheduled arrival and dismissal time of each school on the route
sheet; the list of stops for each trip including arrival and departure times;
and an indication of how many children are scheduled to board the vehicle at
each stop and which days each stop is to be considered active. All the above information shall be complete
and up to date on the day the bid is held.
If new information is included on the route sheet which has been updated
subsequent to the posting of the routes for viewing, this information will be
highlighted to indicate the change and the flat rate cover sheet will also be
distinctively labeled "CHANGE". This information is deemed to be substantive
economic information upon which a driver exercises her/his Seniority bid rights.
Any error or omission in, or
subsequent change to the information provided on the route sheets when bid upon
may be the basis for a flat rate re-evaluation, or for a grievance to be filed
in accordance with Art. 13., or both.
If either during the bidding process
or during the course of the year a route is so modified by the School
Department that its flat rate is increased by sixty (60)
minutes or more, it will be placed for bid at the next scheduled bid date for
the bargaining unit.
Bus drivers unable to attend the bidding
due to illness or other valid reason shall delegate their bidding in writing to
another person of their choice, who shall bid for them. Drivers on a medical
leave of absence, (worker's compensation, illness and disability leave, etc.,)
shall be permitted to bid providing the driver has a doctor's certification on
his/her condition and probable date of return to work.
If any employee does not report at
his/her designated bid time, he/she will be passed over until he/she reports.
He/she will then bid when he/she reports, but will have no claim for routes
already bid upon because of his/her tardiness.
The time assigned by the Company to
each route (the flat rate) at the beginning of the year shall be the guaranteed
minimum pending any change which may result from a re‑evaluation process
which may be initiated by the driver or the Company.
Newly created routes will be put up
for bid for the bargaining unit as they become available.
In the case of a driver whose route
flat‑rate has been reduced, the original flat‑rate shall apply at
all times until the next bid period. It is understood that the Company may
assign work to any driver whose flat-rate is being maintained through the above
Part time employees will be allowed to
share runs with other such employees, providing the following requirements are
A part time employee may be awarded a
run providing another part time employee also bids on the run in question and
their mutual work hours meet the requirements of the run.
No part time employee shall be
permitted to work mid day routes only.
Each part time driver is responsible
to maintain a partnership with another part time driver, so that an entire
daily route assignment is shared between the partners,
and the partnership functions as a single full time driver. This requirement shall apply to regular
routes, as well as standby positions.
For the purposes of Article XVII, a
part time driver who is absent from his daily work assignment shall be deemed
to have been absent except that a part time driver absent for a mid day report
only shall be assessed one-half (1/2) day of absence.
As a general policy future hiring for
part time positions will be held to a minimum.
Section 8 - Stand‑by Seniority
The Company will continue its current
practice of posting 14% stand-by’s.
(a) Definitions:
Slotted regular stand-by positions in
numerical order (e.g. 1 - 15) all shall be bid by the entire membership. These stand-by
slot positions shall be treated as a route bid in all aspects. Any newly
created stand-by slot positions shall be treated as newly created routes for
the purposes of bidding. Regular stand-by drivers shall replace drivers on a
daily basis who are absent or otherwise not available for work. It is
understood that a stand-by award shall include all work assigned to the
original driver, including charters, ORC's, mid-days, etc. City-wide stand-by
positions in numerical order (e.g. 1 - 6) shall be bid by the entire
membership. These city-wide slot positions shall be treated as a route bid in
all aspects. Any newly created
city-wide positions shall be treated as newly created routes for the purposes
of bidding. It is understood that the job description of a city-wide is to
perform emergency work as directed by dispatch.
A driver returning to work from an LOA
who has relinquished his/her route bid, newly hired drivers and drivers who
after a scheduled route bid have no regular route bid assignment, shall be
assigned a new, next lowest stand-by slot until the next scheduled bid.
The Company shall allow drivers on
workers compensation or medical leave status to return on a light duty basis
with the goal of allowing the driver to return to full active status when h/she
is able. This light duty status will be
implemented upon the driver’s release to return to duty by his/her Doctor. The
light duty activities assigned to drivers will include the AM or PM portion of
his/her bid route.
From 5:00 a.m. to 5:15 a.m.,
and again from 12:35 p.m. to 12:50 p.m., stand‑by drivers will be
permitted to review the routes posted by the dispatcher for bid. At 5:15 a.m. and at 12:50 pm, all Stand-by drivers
will select routes from among those posted for bid according to Stand-by slot number. After all Stand-by drivers have selected a
route or waived their turn to select a route, management may assign in order of
reverse seniority any remaining unselected routes to Stand-by drivers who have
elected to waive their turn to select a route, assigning the route with the
lowest flat rate available to the least senior Stand-by, and the route with the
next lowest flat rate to the next least senior stand-by, etc.
(c) Open routes with report times
prior to 5:30 a.m. will be given to citywide drivers who will do trip (1) of
each such route. These open routes will
then be posted for bid at 5:00 a.m. for stand-by drivers to select at 5:15
a.m. These routes will be labeled with
the citywide slot covering trip (1). Stand-by drivers selecting or assigned
such routes at the 5:15 a.m. bid will complete the portion of said routes,
beginning with trip (2) on which they bid (am and/or mid and/or pm). If there are more "early" routes
than can be covered by the existing number of City-wide drivers, additional
City-wide positions will be created by the Company and will be bid upon as set
forth in Section 8 (a) above. If a
City-wide driver is not present to perform his/her route by 5:15 am, that route
will be posted for bid to the Stand-by drivers.
City-wide report times are as
AM Flat Rate – 5:00 am to 12:30 pm
PM Flat Rate – 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Stand-by report times are as follows:
AM Flat Rate – 5:00 am to 7:45 am
PM Flat Rate – 12:35 pm to 3:05 pm
If, at the time of assignment or selection by a stand‑by driver, a
route is open due to leave of absence or other cause for longer than one day,
the route shall be bid upon for three days as in (b) and (c) above. The fourth
day, the Stand-by driver who selects or is assigned such a route shall remain
with that route for the duration of the regular driver's absence, retaining
both the indicated flat rate for the route and Stand-by time. If the Stand-by driver selects or is assigned
a certain route and the regular driver subsequently appears to do the route
before the Stand-by driver has left the yard, then the Stand-by driver shall be
paid a minimum of that route's flat rate for the report period. The Company will provide a form documenting
Stand-by driver "lock-ins" with a copy provided to the Chief
Section 9 - Shuttle Buses, District Buses, "All-Day" Buses
Lunch Period:
A route posted for bid with a lunch
period deduction will allow the Employee to take a lunch period beginning
between the hours of 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM. The Employee will be allowed to
return to the bus yard to document this lunch period (punch in, punch out). If
the Company requires a driver to work through the lunch period, then the driver
shall be compensated for the lost lunch period. If the company fails to notify
the driver before 10:30 AM that he/she is required to work through the lunch
period, the driver will have the option of refusing the work. If the driver is
required to work through the lunch period more than five (5) times in one
month, the flat rate shall be revised.
Shuttle Buses are buses routed to
perform stand-by type work, primarily of a "home to school" nature during
the "mid-day" portion of the route usually for a School District or
for a specific school (e.g. South Boston H.S.). District Buses are buses routed
to perform scheduled type work, primarily of a "field trip" nature
during the "mid-day" portion of the route usually for a School
District or a specific school. All-day Buses are buses routed to perform
stand-by type work, primarily of a "home to school" nature, for the
entire route assignment, usually for a School District or a specific school.
Shuttle Buses and All-day Buses shall
be paid at the report rate for all report period work performed (including but
not limited to a.m., p.m., and mid-day report periods). District buses shall be paid at the report
rate for all standard daily transportation and Stand-by time, with all
additional hours to be paid at charter rate. Report rate guaranteed minimums
shall not overlap nor apply to field trip work performed during the period of
District assignment.
Drivers performing the above mentioned
types of route assignments shall be allowed three (3) breaks per day totaling
no more than one (1) hour of paid time. Such breaks are to be taken no more
than five (5) minutes from the on-site assignment and will be subject to
reasonable work-schedule constraints. If the route is posted for bid with a
lunch period deduction then the drivers will be allowed two (2) breaks totaling
one-half (1/2) hour paid time in addition to the lunch period.
Drivers shall not be required to
perform work unrelated to transportation.
Section 10 - Route Evaluation Procedure
Drivers will be paid their flat rates
for work performed during the flat rate period.
If a driver requires additional time to complete their route as posted
at the previous bid or as a result of subsequent route changes, the driver will
apply to her/his terminal manager for a new flat rate. The Company shall be allowed ten (10) work
days from receipt of a drivers flat rate change
application to complete a route re-evaluation.
The Company shall be allowed fifteen (15) work days in the case of the
first day of school (September start up).
Such evaluation will include all the
time necessary for the driver to complete the route as it was posted for bid
and including any subsequent changes to the route including but not limited to
additional stops, additional school routes, inaccurate school dismissal times,
and reasonable additional time - time to sweep out the vehicle, make a circle
check, fill out any necessary paper work of a consistent nature, obtain necessary
replacement vehicle, and other work related activity.
Upon re-evaluation, a finalized flat
rate will be established. Dissatisfied
drivers still retain grievance rights under the Contract. A steward may be present during such re‑evaluation. The company will appraise drivers of this
right. A copy of all flat rate change
applications shall be given to the chief steward in each yard, including the
terminal manager's decision on the change request.
Drivers who make fraudulent requests
may be subject to disciplinary action.
If the company does not make a route
re-evaluation within ten (10) days of receipt of the drivers
application, the company will accept the drivers application and adjust the
flat rate accordingly.
The parties agree that the flat rates
for routes shall permit fifteen (15) minutes for trip preparation and required
safety pre-check per report. It is
agreed by the parties that all the flat rates presently in place are
presumptively properly rated. If
individual exceptions exist, they shall be dealt with in accordance with Article
XII S.10.
The Union, the Company, and the School
Department agree to establish a procedure whereby routing
problems may be corrected.
Scheduled Route Issues
If the driver believes a route is
untimely she/he shall notify her/his supervisor. The supervisor shall conduct an examination
of the route and provide the driver with the results of the findings within two
(2) working days.
If the union is unsatisfied with the
results of the findings, the union may forward the problem to the Director of
Transportation for reconsideration. The
Director will respond within five (5) working days.
If the union is unsatisfied with the
decision of the Director of Transportation, the union may send the dispute to
the procedure outlined in section C.
A Route
Review Committee will identify and attempt to resolve routing
problems as well as to facilitate the work of the Route Review Panel outlined
in Article 12 section 10, Route Problems, section C.
The Route Review Committee shall meet, when necessary, during the regularly
scheduled operational committee meetings.
The Operational Committee meetings
will be held every other week (i.e., twice per month) at mutually agreeable
dates and times. The Operational Committee shall consist of seven (7)
representatives from the Union (including the three (3) full- time Union officers)
and at least two (2) representatives of management. Operational Committee meetings will normally
not exceed a two (2) hour period.
Special meetings may be held at the request of either party. The Company shall provide payment of lost
wages for drivers working on the Operational Committee.
When possible, in order to facilitate
meaningful discussions, the parties shall exchange agenda items at least two
(2) work days before each regularly scheduled Operational Committee meeting
Route Safety Issues
The parties agree that in cases of
overcrowding of buses (based on actual ridership) in violation of law the
parties shall proceed as follows:
The union shall report the alleged
violation to the company and the Director of Transportation. The Director shall render a decision within
three (3) working days. If the union is
not satisfied with the response it may proceed to expedited arbitration under Article 13 of the Labor Agreement.
In other cases where the union alleges
a violation of state or federal law the parties shall proceed as follows:
A panel consisting of two (2)
representatives from the bus company (if the work is contracted out), the
School Department and the Union will meet weekly on request of
the union to consider such problems.
If the union is not satisfied with the
determination of the panel it may appeal to the Superintendent of Schools.
Section 11 - Extra Report Rate Work of a Regular Nature
Definition: ORC's, Late Buses, ELC, Project Promise, Therapies, etc.
Extra report rate work of a regular
nature shall be bid by all employees on the basis of seniority. The time
assigned for each bid trip will be added to the drivers
flat rate. Drivers shall not hold more
than one extra regular assignment unless no one else bids for the work.
Section 12 - Exception Time Reports
Drivers will be paid at the report
rate for all time worked in excess of their flat rate for all routes assigned
during a report period. This additional
time may include but not be limited to time spent during breakdowns, in heavy
traffic, as a result of student disciplinary problems, report writing. Drivers who work such time beyond their flat
rate shall file an exception time report.
Drivers who have filed an application for a flat rate change as in
section 10 above shall complete exception time reports until a finalized flat
rate is established.
Section 13a - Mid-day Stand-by Slots
The Company will establish an
appropriate number of Mid-day Stand-by slots to be bid on a
daily basis.
Section 13b - Evening Citywide Slots
In order to ensure timely backup
service for Late Runs, ELC’s, and other school or charter runs
which start or continue later than 5:15 PM, the Company will post each day in
each Terminal one (1) Evening Citywide position to be bid during the Morning Report
by seniority to Standby Drivers.
The minimum hours for this position shall be from 5:00 PM until 7:00
PM. These hours may be extended by the
Dispatcher to meet operational requirements.
In no event shall an Evening Citywide driver fail to be available to the
Dispatcher by radio or in person at any time during his or her assignment
unless released by the Dispatcher. To be
eligible for this bid, the Standby Operator must meet the following criteria:
a.) Must not have another,
conflicting assignment.
Must be able to drive any school vehicle assigned to his/her Terminal.
c.) Must be ready, willing, and able to provide coverage,
at the direction of the Dispatcher, for any route or charter, in-City or
out-of-City, regardless of whether or not the work to be performed originated
at his/her Terminal.
Section 14
It is understood that all
charter work will be bid as provided by this agreement. Stand-by drivers will not be arbitrarily used
to perform assigned work which should be bid.
Article 13 – Grievance and Arbitration
Section 1
The purpose of this Article is to
establish a procedure for the settlement of grievances between the employees,
the Union and the Company. The parties
recognize that most problems will be discussed and resolved between the
employee, the Union steward and the aggrieved employee's immediate
supervisor. Such informal settlements
are encouraged. A "grievance,"
as used in this Agreement, is defined as a complaint or request of an employee
covered by this Agreement which involves the interpretation or application of,
or compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement. If a grievance is not
resolved in this informal manner, the following procedure shall apply:
STEP 1. Any employee with a grievance shall have the
right to present and discuss the grievance with his or her supervisor and to
have such grievance adjusted with the Union steward present, if the employee so
requests representation by the steward at this meeting. Grievances must be presented in writing to
the employee's supervisor within twenty (20) working days or thirty (30)
calendar days, whichever is greater, of the occurrence or omission that gave
rise to the grievance or within twenty (20) working days or thirty (30)
calendar days, whichever is greater, of the time the grievant and the Union
should reasonably have had knowledge of said occurrence or omission. Upon receipt of the grievance, the supervisor
shall attempt to adjust the matter and shall respond to the steward and the
employee in writing within ten (10) working days.
STEP 2. If a
satisfactory settlement is not made of the grievance in Step 1, the grieving
party shall, within five (5) working days after receipt of the answer in Step
1, present the grievance in writing to the Manager of the Company or his
designee who shall, within ten (10) days, discuss the grievance with the employee
and the steward and/or a Union official.
Within seven (7) working days of the discussion of the grievance, the
Manager of the Company or his designee shall render a decision in writing
stating all reasons for his decision. A
meeting between Union and Company to discuss grievances in
Step 2 shall be scheduled at least once a month if necessary.
The Company
recognizes that proper notice of Step 2 and other grievance meetings is a
necessary component of timeliness, and that the Union and grievants have a
right to sufficient time to prepare their case(s). The Company agrees that all stewards and
grievants involved in grievance step meetings will be notified by the Company
in writing at their respective yards of the time and place of the grievance
hearing at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. The Company will endeavor to schedule
grievance meetings in the yard were the grievant(s) and steward(s) filed the
grievance(s), in order to facilitate efficient attendance and witness
availability. The parties may also agree
to schedule hearings at the Union office and at the Company’s main office. A company-supplied sign up sheet will be
sufficient payroll documentation for step grievance meetings.
STEP 3. Arbitration.
If the grievance is not resolved in the foregoing steps of this Article
either party may submit the matter to arbitration within thirty (30) calendar days after the
receipt of a written answer in Step 2. The party desiring arbitration shall notify the other party and they shall
thereupon attempt to agree to an arbitrator.
In the event that the parties cannot reach agreement within thirty (30)
days, the dispute shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association
under the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules and Regulations. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final
and binding on all parties. The
arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, subtract from, change, disregard
or modify any of the terms of this Agreement.
The cost of the arbitration assessed by the American Arbitration
Association and the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, each
arbitration proceeding shall deal with not more than one
grievance, unless the grievances are related.
Expedited Arbitration
The Union or the Company may submit
any grievance to expedited arbitration within twenty (20) calendar days after the
receipt of a written answer in Step 2 by mailing or delivering written notice
to the other party. The grievance will
be heard and decided on an expedited basis (with a brief opinion) by one of a
permanent panel of arbitrators.
The parties shall maintain a panel of
five (5) arbitrators. The Company and
the Union will meet to select the five (5) arbitrators for the panel, who will maintain availability to hear
and decide cases at least once every sixty (60) days. The
panel will consist of two (2) chosen by the Union, two (2) chosen by the
Company, and one (1) either mutually agreed to, or if no agreement, one (1)
selected by the American Arbitration Association. If a vacancy exists on the arbitration panel, the parties shall attempt to mutually
agree on a replacement. If no such
agreement can be reached, the parties will request that the American
Arbitration Association select a replacement arbitrator for the panel. If an equal number of vacancies exist
simultaneously, the parties shall each select a replacement for the panel.
Grievances awaiting arbitration will be assigned in rotation to panel members
unless that particular arbitrator is not available during the next sixty (60)
days, in which case he/she may be skipped in the rotation. Grievances will be scheduled for arbitration according to the following order of
priority: Priority One – Terminations
(in chronological order); Priority Two – Suspensions of more than five (5) days
(in chronological order); Priority Three – Group or Class Action Policy
grievances (in chronological order); Priority Four – all remaining grievances
(in chronological order). The parties
may mutually agree to schedule a grievance for arbitration outside the normal priority order.
The decision of the arbitrator shall
be final and binding on all parties. The
arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, subtract from, change, disregard
or modify any of the terms of this Agreement.
The cost of the arbitration assessed by the arbitrator shall be shared
equally by the parties. Also, the rules governing the expedited arbitration process (e.g. no briefs, prior framing of
issues, etc) are as follows:
It is the intent of expedited
arbitration to provide a streamlined and simple process to
hear and decide disputes. With this
objective in mind the following guidelines will be employed in expedited
1. The issue for expedited arbitration will be framed prior to the expedited
arbitration hearing. In the case no agreement can be
reached as to the issue, the Union and Company will submit their respective
framing in writing to the arbitrator and allow him/her to frame the issue. The
issue (or respective framings) will be conveyed to the arbitrator at least one
week prior to expedited arbitration.
2. The Union and Company will endeavor to reach
agreement on all joint exhibits and stipulated facts prior to the expedited
arbitration hearing. The parties will provide copies of
their respective exhibits to each other prior to the expedited arbitration hearing where possible.
3. The cases will be presented orally, including
opening and closing arguments and conclusions. There will be no submission of
written briefs. Both the Company and the
Union reserve the right to file a post-hearing brief following any arbitration hearing.
4. If bargaining unit employees are required as
witnesses the Company will cover the portion of their routes necessary and pay
lost time. The Union will co-operate in
scheduling such witnesses so as not to disrupt operations.
5. The arbitrator shall render his/her decision
with a brief written opinion by the close of business of the last day of
expedited arbitration hearings.
6. It is understood that this process should be
abbreviated. Expedited arbitration cases should normally take no more than one
Section 2
In the processing of any grievance or
dispute, the Company will make available for inspection in its own office any
pertinent Company records to any authorized representative of the Union.
Section 3
The Company shall have the right to
initiate Step 2 of the grievance and arbitration procedure with respect to any grievance,
dispute or difference. Such initiation
shall be by letter from the Company to the Union.
Section 4
The time limits specified in this
Article shall be deemed to be substantive provisions and failure to observe
each and every such time limitation shall be a complete bar to any further
action by reason of such grievance, unless extended by written consent signed
by the Company and the Union. In the
absence of any such mutual agreement, then the failure of the Union to process
a grievance within the above time limits shall constitute a waiver of the
particular grievance and the failure of the Company to schedule a meeting or
provide a written answer within the above time limits shall constitute an
acceptance of that particular grievance.
The terms "working day" and "working days" wherever
used in this Article shall mean and include any calendar day during the regular
school year when Boston Public Schools are in general session for
students. Time limits will be held in
abeyance during all school vacation/layoff periods except that, for drivers who
work during the Summer Recess only, grievances may be processed in accordance
with the above time limits by mutual agreement between the Company and the
Union. Such agreement shall be in
writing and signed by the parties or the time limits will be deemed to be in
abeyance until the start of the Fall Semester for Boston Public Schools.
Section 5 – Drivers in the Grievance Procedure
Make Whole Awards - Drivers who have been terminated from employment and have active
grievances will be permitted to designate a route at the bids including Summer
Work. Should the driver be awarded a
make whole remedy by an arbitrator,
the make whole award will be based on these bid selections. Drivers who have
been terminated from employment and have active grievances regarding their
termination will have access to training, physicals and licensing.
Article 14 – Discharge and Discipline
Section 1
The Company shall have the right to
discharge, suspend, or discipline any employee subject to the terms of this
Agreement for just cause.
Section 2
Any grievance relating to the
discharge or discipline of an employee may be taken up and determined under the
grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement except that an
employee may be terminated during his/her probationary period without recourse
by the employee or the Union.
Section 3
If the School Department requires the Company to remove a driver from a
run the Company will so notify the Union, and the Union may attempt to adjust
the matter with the School Department pursuant to its agreement with the School
Department. If the School Department and
the Union are unable to reach agreement regarding such removal, the removal
will be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration procedure of this Agreement. Final determination in these cases shall be
rendered within thirty (30) calendar days from the School Department action
requiring the Company to remove a driver.
Procedure To
Be Followed As Per Agreement With The City
1. If the Director intends to enforce Article
4.2.1 of the School Committee's contract with the bus companies
because it has come to the Director's attention that a driver was convicted of
a criminal offense rendering him or her ineligible under the mandatory
disqualification policy, the Director shall direct the bus company to notify
the driver of the impending rejection and to suspend the driver without pay for
up to ten (10) working days. If the
driver elects an appeal within five (5) working days of the date of the
suspension, the Senior Officer for Implementation, or designee, shall afford
the driver an appeal hearing within the period of the suspension. At the end of the ten (10) day suspension,
the driver shall be deemed rejected.
2. If the Director intends to enforce Article
4.2.1 of the School Committee's contract with the bus companies
because it has come to the Director's attention that a driver was convicted of
a criminal offense that might render him ineligible under the discretionary
disqualification policy, and the Director intends to convene the discretionary
panel, the Director shall direct the bus company to notify the driver of the
possible rejection and to suspend the driver with pay until the panel makes its
determination. The panel shall be
convened within ten (10) days of the Director's notification. If the panel determines that the driver
should be rejected, the Director may reject the driver forthwith, and the
driver shall have appeal rights as outlined in paragraph 6.
3. If the Director intends to enforce Article
4.2.1 of the School Committee's contract with the bus companies in
other than disqualification cases, the Director shall direct the bus company,
in other than extraordinary cases, to place the driver on a paid suspension
pending full School Department investigation and decision. The final determination of the School Department
shall be subject to appeal under section 6 below and/or directly to expedited
When the Director orders a driver suspended under paragraph 3, he shall
provide the driver with a specific reason, in writing, including, if known, the
time and place of the alleged occurrence of which the driver is accused, and
the driver shall have the right to submit a written explanation or refutation
to the Director within five (5) working days of the date of the Director's
charge letter.
5. Upon receipt of the written explanation or
refutation, the Director may extend the suspension under paragraph 3 for
further investigation; authorize the driver to return to work; or reject the
6. In accordance with Article 4.2.2 of the School
Committee's contract with the bus companies, a
driver who has been rejected or terminated may appeal to the Senior Officer for Implementation, or designee, within five
(5) working days, and the Senior Officer or designee shall afford the driver an
appeal hearing within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the appeal. A driver who is on
paid suspension at the time he makes an appeal to the Senior Officer for
Implementation, shall have the suspension continued with pay until the Senior
Officer, or designee, has rendered a decision.
7. At the hearing, the driver may be represented
by the Union and/or by legal counsel.
However, the hearing shall be informal, and the legal rules of evidence
shall not be strictly enforced. All
evidence against the driver must be disclosed at the hearing, so that the
driver will have the opportunity to rebut it.
Any evidence not presented at the hearing may not be considered by the
Senior Officer or designee in making a determination. The Senior Officer shall notify the driver of
his or her decision within two (2) working days of the date of the
hearing. Such decision will be addressed
to the driver and shall be delivered to the driver at the appropriate yard
through the Company. A copy will be
delivered to the appropriate steward in the same manner.
8. Whenever any driver is authorized to return to
work by the Director or the Senior Officer after an unpaid suspension, the driver shall be
reimbursed for time lost from work due to the suspension.
9. A driver rejected under the provisions of
Article 4.2.1 shall have the right to initiate arbitration proceedings under Article 13, Section 1, Step 3. The driver,
the Union, and bus companies and the School Committee agree to be bound thereby.
10. All parties retain their rights
under applicable law.
11. The Director will make reasonable efforts to ascertain
the identity of an accused driver and the facts of the allegations before
imposing an unpaid suspension.
In the absence of any subsequent criminal offense, no current driver
with a criminal record shall be subject to rejection or other adverse action
not already taken by the Committee or the Companies.
13. The provisions of this memorandum shall apply
only to actions taken by the Director of Transportation under Article 4 of the
City Contract and shall not be construed as applying to actions taken by the
Section 4
Notice of discharge or discipline
shall be sent by the Company to the employee immediately, in writing, and a
copy of such notice shall be sent to the Union at the same time.
Section 5
Prior to the imposing of any
discipline, the incident giving rise to the contemplated discipline will be discussed
with the driver and union steward if the driver desires the steward to be
present. The Company will notify the
Union before the meeting is held. In the
case of discharge or suspension of one (1) week or more the Terminal Manager
will represent the Company in the meeting.
If another meeting is necessary it can be called by either party. Also, in the case of discharge or suspension
of one (1) week or more, the Union may process any grievance which is filed in
protest of such action by moving the grievance to Step 2 of the grievance
procedure and a Step 2 grievance meeting will be held within seven (7) working
days of such grievance being filed.
Section 6
All company investigations will be
conducted prior to the imposition of discipline. Employees will not be
suspended without pay pending investigation.
Section 7
Imposition of discipline shall be no
later than fourteen (14) working days from the day of the Company's knowledge
of the incident which gave rise to such discipline. If the Company requires additional time to conduct
the investigation, the Company and the Union shall mutually agree as to the
length of the extension. In the case of
a charge/allegation of sexual misconduct the time for investigation may be
Section 8
In the case of an employee alleged by
an agency other than the Company to have committed a criminal act arising out
of employment, the employee shall be placed on a paid suspension. An employee
who is charged with a crime arising out of employment and whose school bus
certificate is suspended or revoked shall be placed on a paid suspension for
ninety (90) work days. At the end of the
ninety (90) work day period, the driver will be placed on an unpaid suspension
pending the resolution of the case. If
at the close of the criminal proceedings the driver prevails (dismissal of
charges or exoneration), the unpaid portion of this suspension and the driver’s
legal fees (as set out in Appendix B)
shall be paid. It is understood that, with
respect to the above type of cases, the parties maintain rights to all other
sections of the collective bargaining agreement.
Section 9
In the case of an employee alleged by
an agency other than the Company to have committed a criminal act not arising
out of employment, the employee shall be placed on unpaid suspension pending
the resolution of the case. It is
understood that with respect to the above type of cases, the parties maintain
rights to all other sections of the collective bargaining agreement.
Article 15 – Union Activities
Section 1
The Company will allow discussion of
Union business, the distribution of Union material or other Union activity on
Company property as long as it is not disruptive of the operation.
Section 2 - Stewards
The Company agrees to recognize such
Union stewards duly appointed by and acting as agents of the Union who may
receive complaints and process grievances through the grievance procedure. The Union shall provide the Company with a
current written list of such stewards and alternates, if any, indicating their
areas of responsibility. There shall be
one (1) steward for every twenty-five (25) employees or fraction thereof. Any
elected officer of the Local Union may act in the steward's place. The number
of alternates may be equal to the number of stewards. The Union will provide
the Company with a current list of elected Union officers.
Section 3.
An International Union Representative
of the United Steelworkers, AFL CIO CLC, may enter the Company's property on
Union business, at reasonable times. Officers of the local Union, not employed
at the Company, shall have unlimited access to the Company property.
Section 4 - Definition - Union Lost Time
Union lost time is that time an
employee is approved to conduct union business and which, under normal circumstances, the employee would be engaged in scheduled
work for the Company. Such leave shall be either paid or unpaid depending on
the provisions of this Article. No Union lost time shall be paid unless it has
been previously approved by the Company and the employee would have normally
been scheduled to work by the Company during the time frame of the Union leave.
The Union will accommodate the efficient
operational needs of the Company in the application of this Article and the
Company reserves its right to deny any Union lost time request based on its
sole determination of operational need.
Section 5 - Unpaid Union Lost Time
An employee may request unpaid Union
lost time for those Union activities that do not involve a meeting with
representatives of the Company. Such
request is subject to the approval of the Company based on operational need. The request shall be made on a form provided
by the Company and shall include the nature of the union business, the length
of time needed to conduct the business and the location of the business. Every effort should be made to submit such
request at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the business.
Section 6 - Paid Union Lost Time
A Union Steward or other duly appointed Union official may
request paid Union lost time for Union business that involves a meeting with
representatives of the Company such as grievance meetings and contractual
labor-management committee meetings or contractually sanctioned Union Committee
Such request is subject to the
approval of the Company based on operational need. The request shall be made on
a form provided by the Company and shall include the nature of the Union
business, the length of time needed and the location of the Union business. The request must be made at least forty-eight (48)
hours in advance of the actual meeting. The
Company may approve requests made under emergency conditions that are less than
forty-eight (48) hours.
Section 7 - Union Officers on Full-time Leave
The Company will allow three (3) Union
Officers designated by the President, to be placed on full-time Union lost time
during the regular school year and one (1) Union Officer during the summer break, in order to conduct
official Union business that directly relates to issues that may develop
between the Company and Union in the daily operation of the Company's business
and the administration of the Union. Such
approval is based on and subject to the following conditions:
• The Union officers shall be paid at
a rate equal to a City-wide Stand-by position.
• The Union officers shall submit to
the Region Vice President of the Company, on a weekly basis, a time sheet that
details all Union business conducted on a daily basis. Such weekly payments shall be based on the
activities described on the sheet and the sheet must be submitted on each
Monday by 9:00 am. Failure to submit the
weekly time sheet or late submission of the weekly time sheet may result in
non-payment of the flat rate.
• The Union officers must be available
to drive if there is an operational need and failure to report once contacted
and directed to a specific terminal may result in withholding of lost time
payments and possible disciplinary action.
• Each Union officer must provide the
Company with a phone number where the officer can be reached. Additionally, the
Company will provide each Union Officer with a pager device for communication
Section 4 – Union Space At Bus Terminals
As needed, the Company shall provide
stewards with the use of a room at each bus yard for meetings with
employees. The Company shall also
provide a secure space for the chief stewards to maintain union files on site
at each bus yard.
Article 16
Section 1.
The Union agrees that there will be no
strikes, stoppages of work, or slowdowns during the life of this
Section 2.
The Company agrees not to conduct a
lockout during the life of this Agreement.
Section 3.
The Union agrees that in the event of
any violation of Section 1 of this Article the Union will immediately order
that such violation cease and that the work be fully resumed. The Company will not take any legal or administrative
action until the Union has immediately ordered such violation cease and the
work be fully resumed.
Section 4.
The Company may impose any
disciplinary action including discharge of any or all of the employees involved
in a violation of Section 1 of this Article.
Article 17 – Absenteeism and Tardiness
Any employee who, because of sickness
or other disability, or for any other reason, is unable to report to work on
any day on which he/she is scheduled to do so, must notify the appropriate
supervisor of such fact at least two (2) hours prior to his/her scheduled reporting
time for work after the morning report period on that day, if possible; and at
least one-half (1/2) hour prior to his/her scheduled reporting time for the morning
report period, if possible. An
employee's failure to comply with this Section may be the basis of disciplinary
Approved leaves of absence shall not
be counted as absenteeism for disciplinary purposes. An employee shall not be subject to
discipline for absence due to union business provided the union has notified
the Company in accordance with the provisions of this Article. An employee shall not be subject to
discipline for absence due to illness provided said employee furnishes a valid
excuse from a doctor. In no case shall
an employee be subject to discipline for absences totaling less than seven (7)
days per school year, provided said employee has followed rules regarding notification
of Company to the best of his/her ability.
Any employee who is late in reporting
to work for the first time in a school quarter shall have the right to do
his/her run, provided the bus has not left the yard, and provided that no
further delay is caused thereby. If an
employee is late in reporting to work a second or subsequent time in the school
quarter, he/she shall have the right to do his/her run provided that the
standby has not begun his/her inspection check.
If the run has been given to another driver, the late employee will not
be paid the minimum report guarantee unless given other work. A driver will not be considered late until
five (5) minutes after his or her report time.
No run will be given to a standby driver until five (5) minutes after
the report time of the regular driver.
It is understood that it is not the
intention of the Company to punish an employee for being absent from work. However, the parties acknowledge that the
Company will review each individual employee's attendance record on an
individual basis. The parties agree to
work together to resolve these problems.
The Company reserves the right to suspend and/or terminate from
employment those employees who do not attempt to correct their attendance
Article 18 – Management Rights
Except as there is contained in this
Agreement an express provision limiting the rights of discretion of the
Company, all rights, functions and prerogatives of the management of the
Company formerly exercised or exercisable by the Company remain vested
exclusively in the Company. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company reserves to itself the
right to manage and operate the Company; to determine the hours, schedules and
assignments of work and work tasks; to promulgate work rules; to determine the
standards of performance and to maintain discipline, order and efficiency; to
determine the number of employees at any time; to determine employee
competency; to hire, suspend, discipline, transfer (of operations and not of
individual drivers), promote and demote for just cause; to layoff employees for
lack of work or for other reasons; to assign, delegate, subcontract or transfer
any obligation, interest, or right arising under the City Contract pursuant to
the terms thereof. Prior to new work
rules being implemented, such rules will be discussed with the Union.
Article 19 – Scope of Agreement
Section 1
This Agreement constitutes the entire
Agreement of the Company and the Union arrived at as a result of collective
bargaining negotiations, except such amendments hereto as shall be reduced to
writing and signed by the parties.
Section 2
The parties acknowledge that during
the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right
and opportunity to make demands with respect to any subject or matter not
removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the
understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of
that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the Company and the Union for the
life of this Agreement each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right and
each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with
respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement.
Article 20 – Validity
In the event that the law invalidates
any section in this Agreement, such Section shall become null and void and the
Union and the Company shall meet and discuss a revision of the subject
section. All other sections, clauses,
and articles shall remain in full force and effect.
Article 21 – Personnel Files
Section 1
Upon request by an employee,
authorization will be granted for the employee at a time convenient to the
employee and to the Company to examine his/her personnel file in the presence
of a union steward. Upon inspection an
employee shall be supplied with copies of any documents in his/her file. Upon
review of personnel records by the employee, an item not comprehensible to the
employee will be explained. After such
review a written acknowledgement by the employee of such review will be placed
in the personnel file. The Company shall maintain one and only one file for all
matters pertaining to a particular employee.
Section 2
The Company will not release any information
in an employee's personnel file to outside sources other than date of
employment unless legally required to do so or if authorized in writing by the
Section 3
All criminal and accident records will
be a permanent part of the driver's employment record. All other disciplinary records will remain a
part of the driver's employment record for thirteen (13) months.
Article 22 – Operations
No Company employee who is not a
member of the bargaining unit may be given bargaining unit work except in an
emergency when no bargaining unit member is available to do said
work. In such case, management personnel
with the proper school bus licenses (from the appropriate agencies) may do said
Article 23 – Union Cards / New Drivers
Section 1
The Company will instruct each new
employee that he/she is required by contract to join the Union. The Company will have each new employee sign
a Union authorization card, which will be delivered to the Union at the time
the employee completes his or her probationary period. The Union is responsible for submitting Union
enrollment cards to the Company in order to facilitate Union dues deductions as
covered in Article IV.
Section 2
The Company will schedule an
Orientation session for new drivers, prior to their
assignment to driving duties, during which Union Officers will be allowed a minimum
of one hour to address the new drivers, and complete paperwork, including
signing Union authorization cards. This
Orientation meeting will be a minimum of two (2) hours in length and will be
paid at the charter rate for attendees.
Article 24 – Pay Procedures
Paychecks will be issued at 9:00 AM Fridays; however, the Employee will
not be issued his/her check until the completion of the AM route. This limitation may be extended due to
circumstances beyond the control of the Company. In the event of a holiday or planned school
closing falling on a Friday, paychecks will be issued by Thursday.
Any employee who believes that he/she did not get the full amount of pay
due to him/her on Friday must notify the supervisor before the afternoon report
on Friday of the alleged shortage.
Supervisors will also be available until 6:00 P.M. on Friday evenings to
handle complaints of pay shortages.
Any driver whose pay was short, and who followed the above procedure,
will receive a check for the amount of the shortage by 5:00 PM on Friday, unless
the shortage was due to driver error.
Shortages due to driver error will be made up in the following week's
paycheck, provided the Company is made aware of the problem prior to the Friday
afternoon report. Supervisors will post
a list daily of those drivers who failed to complete time reports or made
errors or omissions on time reports, to give the driver an opportunity to
correct the problem prior to the payroll being completed. If a driver's name is on the list and the
driver fails to correct the problem, it will be considered a driver error.
All checks to make up pay shortages will be accompanied by a slip
itemizing tax and other deductions.
When the Company believes that the driver is not entitled to the
requested amount, a written explanation will be given to the driver by close of
business on Monday.
If a driver is absent on Friday afternoon after receiving his/her
paycheck without justifiable excuse, the Company shall have the right to pay
him/her on Friday after the conclusion of the afternoon run for four (4)
consecutive weeks.
(g) The Company will make available
direct deposit for those drivers who wish it, upon receipt of a written
An ARC will be established consisting of three
representatives of management and three representatives of the Union and a
neutral party agreed upon by both sides. The parties agree that the ARC shall be
chaired by the neutral party who shall have expertise in the issues of traffic
safety and prevention of accidents.
The purpose of the ARC is to make a determination of preventability
of accidents. The ARC is not a
disciplinary body. The ARC shall
schedule and conduct the meetings and establish the procedures for the
deliberations of the ARC. A driver
appealing to the ARC may elect to have Union representation and/or a translator
at the meeting. Discipline for accidents shall not be dispensed prior to
the meeting.
Any driver who has an accident which is determined preventable by the
Company has the option of taking the case to the ARC or through the grievance procedure for a
determination on preventability. All discipline shall be subject to Article
Upon determination of preventability of an accident, the company shall
notify the driver of her/his rights to the ARC and to
the grievance procedure. The Company
will copy Chief stewards in their respective
yards and the Union office on
all determination of preventability documents.
(e) The
Union’s ARC representatives will be paid lost time, or actual time at the report rate, for their work at
the ARC meetings.
A subcommittee will be created by the parties that will be made up of
two (2) members of each side to consider addressing the issues that exist
concerning the ARC process and select a third party neutral. The work of the subcommittee is to be
completed by March 1, 2012. If the
parties cannot agree on a third party neutral by March 1, 2012, the parties
will submit resumes to the next arbitrator scheduled on the panel and will make
presentations. The arbitrator will
decide who the neutral will be.
If you should have an accident, the
following information is required to fill out an accident report:
1. Date and Time of the accident.
2. EXACT location of the accident.
3. Road and Weather condition.
4. Other Vehicle(s) Information.
A. Drivers Information
Name, Address, Phone number
License Number
B. Owner Information
(if different from driver)
Name, Address, Phone number
C. Registration (Plate) on other vehicle(s)
D. Insurance Company for other vehicle(s)
E. Description of vehicle(s) (year, make, model, color)
5. Description of damage to all vehicles
6. List of witnesses
The written accident report must be
turned into the Company Safety Supervisor.
If the driver feels that the accident is due to faulty equipment, that
should be reported immediately and representatives of both union and management
will have the vehicle tested. The driver
may have a union steward present when filling out the accident report if the
driver so requests.
If you Disagree with the Decision
If you feel there is good and
sufficient reason to question a "preventable" decision, an appeal
form must be obtained from the Terminal Manager and this written appeal must be
submitted within five (5) working days, after driver receipt of the
notification of the decision, to the ARC through the manager. The driver will receive a receipted copy of
the appeal request.
Notification of the Hearing
A review will be scheduled as soon as
possible by the ARC. The ARC will have regular weekly
meetings on Wednesday at 10:00AM. Each
appeal will be set up for a specific time period. The driver will receive written notification
of the time and date of his/her appeal at least three (3) days before the
review. If a driver fails to appear
he/she must have reasonable cause. A new
appeal will be scheduled for the next available date.
Who may attend a Review Hearing
The driver who is being reviewed may
have a union representative present at all stages of the ARC review.
The union representative shall have full representation and advocacy
rights throughout the process. Additionally,
the Company shall have the same rights throughout the process
Review Hearing Procedure
At the beginning of each Appeal Review
Hearing, the Chairperson will read aloud all reports concerning the accident. These reports will include; the driver’s narrative
of the actual accident from the Accident Review Form, the company's Preventability
Report citing the Safety Supervisor's reasons of preventability and any
additional reports (witness statements and law enforcement reports).
The driver may present the chairperson
a written statement citing the reasons for the appeal. The driver may also include any witness
statements, if available. If the driver
does not present a written report he/she will be allowed an opportunity to
explain verbally to the panel the reasons for the appeal.
All questions and discussions must
pertain solely to the accident under review.
The company will provide the ARC with all pertinent evidence, documents,
photos, etc. in its possession. If
requested, the company will supply a translator. Once both sides have been heard, the ARC will
adjourn to caucus, then reconvene to a secret ballot
vote (on pre-made identical ballots).
The ballots will be tallied in open
sessions. Results of the vote will be
made known to the driver immediately
Once a vote has been cast the decision
shall be binding unless the driver or company, as a result of new evidence or
as a result of a significant violation of the hearing procedure by a member of
the ARC, appeals within five (5) working days
from the date of the notification of the decision. This appeal must be in writing and must
include the basis for the appeal based solely on new evidence or breach of the
ARC procedure. After reading the new
evidence the ARC shall vote whether to reverse or uphold its original decision.
Unless disabled, drivers must complete
an accident report under pains and penalties of perjury at the conclusion of
the run during which the accident actually happened. The driver shall have the right to consult
with a Union Steward while filing the report. The Company will notify the Chief Steward of each yard of all accidents reported on a
daily basis.
which involve damage to the vehicle of less than $560.00 and do not involve a
third party shall be deemed “incidents” rather than accidents. Any damage to a vehicle over $560.00 shall be
deemed an “accident.” Commencing in the
second year of the contract, and continuing thereafter in each successive year,
this amount shall increase by $20.00 per year.
The parties
agree that the safe delivery of service to the Boston School Committee is a mutual concern and shared
responsibility. Accordingly, a driver
involved in an accident deemed preventable by the Company shall be required to
attend mandatory retraining. Retraining
sessions will be four (4) to eight (8) hours, scheduled during non driving
hours including Saturday.
Article 26 – Previous Privileges and Benefits
It shall be strictly understood by the
parties of this Agreement that any previous rights, privileges and benefits
enjoyed by the employees will in no way be diminished or abrogated by this
Article 27 – Master List
The Company will continue to keep
posted in each yard a Master List of all runs originating in that yard, by run
number, with check in time, check out time and basic rate for each run.
Article 28 – Witnesses
Section 1
The dispatcher in each yard will keep
a log book of all calls from drivers who are unable to report to work. The dispatcher will note the time of each
call, and the name of the driver calling in, and will initial the entry.
Section 2
When such a call is received, the
dispatcher will give the phone to a Union steward, or any other available Union
member, to witness that the call was made.
The witness will also initial the entry.
Section 3
A copy of the daily log will be given
to a steward designated by the Union every day.
Article 29 – Duration
Except as otherwise provided in this
Agreement, this Agreement will be effective as of July 1, 2011 and remain in
full force and effect until June 30, 2014, and from year to year thereafter
unless either party gives written notice of termination by certified mail not
less than sixty (60) days and not more than ninety (90) days prior to the
expiration of this Agreement. This
Agreement shall terminate in the event the City Contract is canceled for any
Appendix 'A'
1. Standard Daily Transportation, morning,
mid-day and afternoon, including dead head time: Report
2. ORC/Late Bus/ All day Bus Shuttle Bus:
3. Additional Trips: Charter Rate
District Bus:
For all standard Transportation:
Report Rate
For all hours of district assignment:
Charter Rate
Reserve Drivers (during report period): Report Rate
Stand –By bus service…
During report period: Report Rate
report period: Charter Rate
Long Distance Field Trips: Charter Rate
8. Incidental work: Charter Rate
9. Time spent on vehicle breakdowns
over and above the basic
flat rate will be paid at: Report
Bus Rate
Charter Rate
Appendix “B”
Retirement Severance Pay:
The Company will grant retirement severance pay
with a total cost to the Company each year not to exceed $50,000. The maximum
benefit to each employee shall be $5000 with a maximum of ten (10) employees eligible each year.
In order to be eligible for the retirement
severance pay the employee must be 67 years of age with thirty (30) years of
service in the Boston operation.
The Company will provide medigap
insurance (Harvard Pilgrim Medicare Enhance) for employee only coverage for
eligible employees. The cost of the
monthly premium shall be 80 % paid by the Company and the remainder paid by the
employee, with the Company monthly premium cost not to exceed $279.02 per month
for the length of this agreement.
In order to be eligible for Medigap
insurance the employee must be 67 years old with thirty (30 )
years of service in the Boston operation.
Extension of
Life, Dental and Vision for Retirees Only:
The Company will extend coverage for
Life Insurance, Dental Insurance and Vision Insurance to eligible employees.
In order to be eligible for extended
Life, Dental and Vision insurance the employee must be 67 years old with thirty
(30) years of service in the Boston operation.
Upon completion of thirty
(30) calendar days of employment, employees will be eligible for the fringe
benefits listed below. Also, employees
on approved leaves of absence and layoff will not be eligible for fringe
benefits except for medical benefits in which case the employee will be
required to pay 100% of the premium to continue coverage, except as otherwise
provided herein. It is agreed that sick
leave will be paid as provided below.
Group Insurance / Supplementary Unemployment Benefits.
During the course of
negotiations, the parties agreed to a group medical insurance program (the
details of which shall be published by the Company) and a supplementary
unemployment benefit program which provides the following:
Life Insurance,
with double indemnity for accidental death and dismemberment, at no cost to
the employee. All employees under this
Agreement will be eligible for this benefit for the life of this Agreement.
Effective July 1, 2012, the amount of
the Life Insurance coverage shall be increased to $60,000 for the employee and
the Company will provide insurance for the spouse in the amount of $25,000 and
$10,000 for a child.
per week Sickness and Accident Insurance, payable from the first day of
disability in the case of non industrial accident and the eighth consecutive
day of illness, up to a maximum of thirteen
(13) weeks, at no cost to the employee. The Company will make every effort to timely
process all forms submitted to it for valid claims. In the event the benefit is approved but not
paid by the insurer within fourteen (14) business days from the date of
submission by the driver, except in cases where the delay is due to an error of
the driver and/or his/her medical provider, the Company will advance the full
amount of the benefit to the driver. In
such instances, when payment is received from the insurer by the Company, the
driver will immediately reimburse the Company by endorsing and signing the benefit
check with the following: “Pay To The Order Of First Student, Inc.”
Memorandum Regarding Sickness and Accident Insurance
The Company agrees to
maintain a Sickness & Accident Insurance plan for employees. Such plan will not require the employee to
prove total disability. Rather, to be
eligible, an employee must prove that he/she is physically unable to work due
to a non-work related sickness or accident.
The Company will process claims at its administrative office.
· Group Long Term Disability
The Company will continue to provide a Group Long Term Disability policy that will provide 50% of the disabled
employee’s weekly pay with a cap of $5000 per month and 5 year maximum
payout. There will be a 90 day waiting
period. Employees will have the
opportunity to purchase Long Term Disability coverage of up to 60% of the disabled
employee’s weekly pay with a cap of $5000 per month and 5 year maximum
payout. There will be a 90 day waiting
period. Any additional coverage shall be
paid for by the employee.
If an employee is currently collecting
benefits under the LTD, there is no waiting period.
Both the Short-Term and Long-Term
Disability benefits shall be seamless.
Pre-existing Condition – There is no
waiting period if you are already enrolled in the existing LTD. If an employee is a new enrollee, there shall
be a one year waiting period.
An employee shall be eligible for Long
Term Disability benefits, for up to a two year period, if he
or she is unable to perform one or more essential functions of his/her
job. After two years, if an employee is
eligible for a different occupation with a compensation rate that is equal to
or greater than the employee’s current position, that employee ceases to be
eligible for Long Term Disability benefits.
The Company will provide at least two
(2) Health Maintenance Organizations
(equivalent to Harvard Pilgrim Health Care HMO) for employees who enroll and
their family dependents. The Company will pay 80% of the premium and the
employee will pay 20% of the premium.
When a driver is on an approved sick leave as defined in the contract, the
Company will pay 100% of the health insurance costs for a period not to exceed
two monthly premium payments. Thereafter,
the Company share shall revert to 80% for the remainder of the calendar year
commencing with the approved leave. The
company will pay 100% of the premium for employees on Workers Compensation.
The Company will continue to offer the Domestic Partner benefit currently in place. The effective date
of the group medical insurance coverage set forth above shall be determined by
the insurance carriers under their standards procedures.
Supplemental Unemployment Benefits of $50.00 per week during the
December, February, and April school vacation periods, and during the first two
(2) weeks of the summer vacation and after five (5) consecutive "snow
days." "Snow days" are defined as entire or partial
days in which the school department cancels classes for the entire school system. In order to receive the Supplemental
Unemployment Benefit stipend the driver must work the entire last day of school
before and after the December, February and April vacations and the entire last day of school before summer vacation unless
the driver is on bereavement leave, a personal day, jury duty or a documented
· Voluntary
Supplemental Life Insurance. The Company will provide details of the
coverage available to employees through its Personnel and Benefits office. 100%
of the premium costs associated with this coverage shall be paid by employees
who opt to elect this coverage.
Voluntary Supplemental Accident Insurance. The Company will provide details of the
coverage available to employees through its Personnel & Benefits
office. 100% of the premium costs
associated with this coverage shall be paid by employees who opt to elect this
Vision Care Coverage.
The Company will provide an Employee and Family Vision Care Plan. One hundred percent (100%) of the premium
costs associated with this coverage shall be paid by the Company. Progressive lens coverage and rimless frame
mounting will be added to the plan as well as “Repair broken prescription
glasses” coverage, cost of frames up to $150.00.
Dental Health Coverage. The Company will provide an Employee and Family Dental Health
Plan. One hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the Dental Health Coverage premiums
for the DMO plan shall be paid by the Company.
The Company will offer a PPO dental plan that the employee may choose at
his/her option. The cost of the premiums
for the PPO dental plan (over and above the cost of the DMO plan) will be paid
65% by the Company and 35% by the
Severance Pay. Drivers terminated by
the Company, or voluntarily resigning, will be paid for any unused Personal
Days at the time
they receive their final paychecks.
Paid Holidays. Thanksgiving Day, plus ten (10)
"floating" holidays to be designated at the beginning of the school
year which coincide with school holidays. The intent of
the parties is to avoid declaring holidays in periods during which employees
are compensated by supplemental unemployment benefits. In the case of non-route drivers (stand-bys,
city-wides, etc.) the Employee will be paid an amount equal to that Employee's
average daily earnings during the current payroll week. It is understood that the Union may designate
up to one (1) Boston Public Schools Teacher All Day Professional Day as a
Floating Holiday and up to one (1) Floating Holiday may be used
as an Unscheduled Cancellation Day at the Union’s discretion.
Paid School Closing. Three (3) days per school year for unscheduled cancellation
days except that the Union may use up to one (1) Floating Holiday each year as an additional cancellation day to
make a total of four (4) days. (See Paid Holidays, above.) Unused cancellation days will be paid to
drivers at the end of the school year.
Personal Days. Five (5) days paid
personal absence per year. It is understood that personal days are taken at the
sole discretion of the Employee, except that the following provision shall
apply: Three (3) Personal Days may be
used at the driver’s sole discretion as in the past. Two (2) days must be requested in writing to
the driver’s Branch Manager at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the
day(s) requested. The Company will not
unreasonably deny such requests. Unused
personal days will be paid to the drivers at the end of the school year.
Court Appearances. An employee will be reimbursed for lost wages due to approved
appearances in court on Company related matters. The Company will supply a driver with legal
representation for court appearances where the employee is required to appear
on behalf of the Company or where such appearance is approved by the
Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
in the event a driver is required to appear in court on his or her own behalf
due to charges arising from the operation of his or her bus/van assignment,
other than for moving violations and/or parking citations, and the driver is
a.) not disciplined as a result of an independent
Company determination and, b.) acquitted of all
charges, (or in the event the charges are withdrawn,) the Company shall
reimburse expenses for legal representation incurred by the driver, up to a
limit of $2,000.00 upon presentation of acceptable documentation.
Company Meetings. Employees are
to be compensated at the charter rate for time spent in mandatory meetings
called by management. The Company will
reimburse eight (8) stewards per month for time lost from work to attend
general meetings with the Company and up to ten (10) stewards per month for
time lost from work to attend the Step 2 grievance meeting.
Credit Union. The Company agrees to
deduct monies from employee's paychecks and forward same on a weekly basis to a
Credit Union chosen by the employees provided each employee has delivered to
the Company a proper deduction Authorization Form.
Pension Plan. The Company agrees to deduct monies from employee’s paychecks
and remit it to an agreed upon pension program provided each employee has
delivered to the Company a proper Deduction Authorization Form.
The Company shall make the following
contributions to the Boston School Bus Drivers’ Deferred Retirement and Savings
Plan 401(k):
2011-2012: $155,000 drop
Company matching contribution of 1.25%
of employees’ weekly payroll for individual employees enrolled in the 401k
2012-2013: Company matching contribution of 2.25% of
employees’ weekly payroll for individual employees enrolled in the 401k Plan.
2013-2014: Company matching contribution of 2.25% of
employees’ weekly payroll for individual employees enrolled in the 401k Plan.
The Company also agrees to pay for
actual administration costs associated with the Local 8751 401 K plan upon presentation of an invoice (or
invoices) from the company holding the Plan account. If in any plan year these actual
administrative costs should exceed $17,000.00, the Company will pay the balance
upon certification of this amount by invoice from the Company holding the
In the event the total administrative
costs of the 401 K Plan do not exceed $25,000 in any contract
year, the Company will contribute an additional lump sum amount to the Plan up
to a maximum of $115,000 (inclusive of all administrative costs and the minimum
lump sum contribution of $85,000) in the first year of the contract. This maximum amount will be increased to $120,000
in the second year and $125,000 in the third year of the contract.
The company recognizes its
responsibility to cooperate with the Union to protect the financial integrity
of the Boston School Bus Drivers Deferred Retirement and Savings Plan. The company understands its obligations under
the collective bargaining agreement regarding the Pension Plan.
First Student will recognize the
existence of the Union 401 K Committee, and agrees to the attached Memorandum
of Understanding Concerning Administration of the Union’s 401 K Pension Plan and Pension Plan Committee dated Oct. 31,
The Union’s 401 K Pension Plan Committee will endeavor to be
sensitive to the operational needs of First Student in the scheduling of Pension
Plan Committee meetings.
Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Administration of the Union’s 401-K
Pension Plan and Pension Plan Committee
(October 31, 1991)
The parties agree to the following
terms and conditions in order to service and support the administration of the
Union’s 401-K Pension Plan [Boston School Bus Drivers’ Deferred
Retirement and Savings Plan 401(k)]:
1) The Company will designate one staff
person at each terminal location to assist the Plan Administrator and Pension Plan Committee members in creating, copying,
and disseminating 401-K related information; and in processing 401-K related
forms. It is intended that the
designated Company staff persons together with the Union’s Pension Plan
representatives will be the primary interface and clearinghouse for Pension
Plan related employee activity.
2) The Company will assign at least one
payroll staff person to keep all records of Pension Plan related employee activity, to deduct
employee authorized contributions and loan repayments, and to deliver these
funds to the Union’s designated Pension Fund account on a timely basis and as directed
by the Pension Plan Administrator or Service Representative. It is intended that the Company payroll
staff, in close cooperation with Union Pension Plan representatives, will be
the primary keeper of payroll related employee Pension Plan activity, and will
keep such records, generate such reports, and make such communications as may
be necessary to assist the Union’s Pension Plan representatives in properly
administering the Union’s Pension Plan.
3) The Company will provide
administrative supplies as needed to carry out Pension Plan related work.
4) The Company will cooperate with reasonable
requests for use of fax machines, telephones, and computers to expedite Pension Plan administrative communications.
5) The Company will cooperate with any auditors
contracted by the Union to examine Pension Plan records and will provide said auditors
with access to all records kept by the company which are necessary to complete
all required elements of the Union’s audit.
6) The Company will cooperate with the Union
and any agent of the Union in the transfer of records and of funds to the
Union’s Pension Fund account and its administrative
representatives or agents as directed by, and in consultation with, the Pension
Plan Administrator or Service Representative.
It is understood that the Company will pay the Union’s Pension Plan Administrator, or
designee, five (5) hours a week at the report rate to perform necessary membership
services. This paid time will be taken
at the discretion of the Union designated Pension Plan Service Representative,
and will be paid in addition to any regular hours worked each week including
any overtime differential. In addition,
the Pension Plan Service Representative will be paid for all regular hours lost
due to necessary administrative duties performed in consultation with Company
personnel, which will include but not be limited to one (1) paid day per
quarter for allocation services, and three (3) hours per month for processing
withdrawals, taken at the discretion of the Pension Plan Service Representative.
It is understood that the 401-K Pension Plan committee will
consist of the President and Vice-President of Local 8751, the designated
Pension Plan Service Representative, and representatives from each terminal
location. The Committee will meet once
each month on or about the first Thursday of the month at 11:00 AM in the
general offices of the Company or an alternate location designated by the
Union. The Company shall pay lost time
to bargaining unit members for work of this committee, including attendance at
All regular work hours lost
by Committee members will include reasonable travel time from terminal
locations to meeting place and return.
All paid days will be at the prevailing flat rate, or based on an average
of paid hours per day worked during the most recent week worked, whichever is
greater. Lost work time will be paid the
week after a submission for work hours lost is made by Committee members to the
Annual Renewal of License. The Company agrees to
reimburse employees for their annual renewal of all required licenses,
including all required physical examinations.
Child Care Committee.
The Union and the Company will establish a joint committee to review
options for employees to get sufficient child care service. The Company shall
provide payment of lost wages for drivers working on this committee and all
other administrative costs associated with the committee. Each party shall have
up to three (3) representatives serving on the committee. The committee's tasks
will include, but not be limited to, surveying the needs of the members,
investigating the options for child care and provide communication and
networking to assist in the providing of child care service.
The Committee shall meet at least once
per month – at a mutually agreed time and location. The Committee will consist
of three (3) representatives from the Company.
The Union representatives shall include the President, Vice President,
and representatives from each yard. The
Company shall provide payment of lost wages for drivers working on this committee.
Summary Plan Descriptions and Highlights of the Plan for the Dependent Care
Reimbursement Account shall be translated into the languages of the
bargaining unit (Haitian Creole, Spanish, Cape Verdean Creole, Vietnamese, etc.). The committee shall publish a “Child Care Bulletin” to inform the work force of
activities, programs, benefits, resources and work of the committee.
Dependent Care Reimbursement Account. The company will continue to maintain
and administrate the plan currently in place.
Medical Savings Account. The Company will offer to employees a Medical Savings Account in accordance with relevant tax laws.
Attendance Bonus.
Employees shall be eligible for an
attendance bonus for perfect attendance, according to the schedule set forth
Perfect Attendance In: Bonus Amount
1. September and October $125.00
November and December $125.00
January and February $125.00
March and April $125.00
May and June $125.00
Driving time missed for the following
reasons will not be considered as time missed for purposes of the periodic
attendance bonus:
Bereavement Leave under Article XI, Section 3;
2. Jury Duty Leave under Article XI, Section 5;
3. Time
expended by Union Stewards, officers and members attending to defined union
business such as grievance hearings, accident review committee hearings,
tellers at union elections once a year, meetings to administer the union
contract, or for paid company business.
4. Paid Personal Day
5. Blood Bank Leave
6. Military Leave
It is agreed that the attendance bonus
eligibility standard related to jury duty shall be applied retroactively, and
that for purposes of calculating attendance bonuses retroactively, attendance
by the paid employee Union negotiators at collective bargaining sessions shall
not render the driver ineligible.
Annual Holiday Party – The Company agrees to pay expenses for
the Union’s annual Holiday party not to exceed $15,000. The parties will meet well in advance of the
Holiday party. The Company shall pay the
monies directly to vendors for the costs associated with the Union’s Holiday
party - hall rental, D.J., food, etc.
USW Local 8751 Scholarship Fund. The Company agrees to deduct one (1) dollar
from employees, who submit a voluntary check-off card, from their pay checks,
concurrently with the dues deduction schedule, and to forward same to an
account of the Union’s choosing.
Memorandum Regarding Health Insurance Opt
Out Benefit
Employees who decline to participate
in the Group Health Insurance Plans offered by the Company shall receive a
health insurance opt out benefit if they meet the eligibility requirements.
Eligibility: To receive the opt out benefit pursuant to
this section, employees must meet all of the following
eligibility requirements:
1. Employees must be enrolled in a Company
sponsored group health insurance plan for one year and drop coverage from the
plan during the Open Enrollment Period.
For employees that have previously dropped a Company sponsored health
plan, the employee must establish that they have been enrolled in a Company
sponsored plan for at least one year at some point during their employment
under the “Boston Public Schools Student Transportation Contract” and provide updated
proof of other group health insurance coverage as set out below in item four
(4) during the open enrollment period;
2. If the employee who, is currently not
enrolled in a Company sponsored group health insurance plan, but was enrolled
in a Company sponsored group health insurance plan prior to 1992 related to the
“Boston Public Schools Student Transportation Contract” and is unable to supply
the Company with proof of their previous enrollment, they may receive the opt
out benefit if they submit a signed statement affirming their prior enrollment
under the pains and penalties of perjury;
3. Employees are eligible for the opt out benefit if they have coverage under another
plan. Other plans are:
a. Employee spouse’s/partner’s plan (as
long as he or she is covered by someone other than the Company);
b. A private plan;
c. A plan offered through a second
employer (if employee has another job that provides health care benefits); or
d. A retiree health plan.
4. Employees must remain eligible for
health insurance to participate in the health insurance opt out program. Employees seeking to receive the “single plus
one” or family plan Opt Out payment must provide proof of their eligibility for
“single plus one” or family coverage at the time such employees seek to
participate in the opt out program and annually
thereafter. Employees who are no longer
eligible for “single plus one” or family plan coverage will be eligible for the
individual plan opt out benefit.
Loss of Insurance:
If the employee suffers a qualifying event and loses the alternative
group health insurance coverage during the year, the employee will be eligible
for coverage under the Company plan but must repay any prorated opt out benefit
received based on the portion of time the employee, spouse or dependents are
covered by the Company group health insurance plan. Such repayment may be recouped by the Company
by payroll deduction.
The eligible employees shall receive an annual benefit of one thousand
and five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) for opting out of an individual plan, two
thousand dollars ($2,000) for opting out of an “individual plus one” plan or
twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) for opting out of a family plan.
Appendix “C” – Memoranda of Understanding
a. Memorandum
Regarding the Twenty-five (25) Hour Weekly Minimum
The parties agree to a
cumulative twenty-five (25) hour weekly minimum, except as otherwise noted
elsewhere in this agreement.
b. Memorandum
Regarding Electronic Check-In/Payroll System
The company will supply
laminated cards at the terminal.
Information obtained from this system will absolutely not be used for
the purposes of reducing flat rates nor in any way negatively affecting a drivers valid payroll.
The Union will inform the drivers of their responsibility to produce a
valid driver’s license including S.B.O. and/or 7-D upon request of Management.
c. Memorandum
Regarding Global Positioning System and “Zonar”
Whereas First Student Inc.
(the “Company”) desires to utilize a
global positioning technology, (GPS) for the purpose of further enhancing the safety of students,
efficiency, quality and delivery of
services for the Boston Public Schools Transportation system;
Whereas, the parties have
engaged in good faith negotiations and have fulfilled all obligations under the
collective bargaining agreement between the parties;
Whereas, the Company
maintains that it does not have an obligation to further negotiate over the
utilization of GPS and the Union maintains that the Company has
an obligation to negotiate over the utilization of GPS;
Whereas the Company and the
Union both desire that the utilization of GPS technology be
conducted in a harmonious and amicable fashion;
Whereas GPS issues related
to labor relations, including but not limited to driver wages, working conditions
and discipline, are the sole domain of the Employer (First Student) and its
legal collective bargaining agent, USW 8751;
Whereas, with respect to
GPS equipment installed on Company vehicles, or
any similar equipment installed in the future (“Zonar” or any other like product), the
Company agrees that no employee has been or will be disciplined as a result of
Zonar reports except as modified herein.
The parties hereby agree as follows:
1. At six (6) months from the
signing of this agreement and at six (6) month intervals during the life of
this agreement, the parties shall meet to discuss the ongoing impacts and to
evaluate the operational feasibility, fair and non-discriminatory
implementation and overall success of the program. The utilization and use of the GPS system will remain in effect for the duration
of the memorandum of agreement which will be co-terminus with the duration
dates of the collective bargaining agreement.
2. Regarding GPS, the Boston School Department, the City or its agents shall not
engage in any activity that interferes with labor / management relations. While it is understood that the Boston School
Department/City will have access to review of data generated by GPS installed
on its vehicles, said review shall be confined to issues related to student
safety and company compliance with its vendor contract. The Boston School Department/City will not,
under any circumstances, use GPS data for the purposes of discipline. Further, Boston Public Schools will not
recommend that disciplinary action be taken on any USW 8751
member utilizing information from a GPS system. Evidence of violation of this provision shall
render management’s action against an employee Union member null and void.
3. It is understood that disciplinary
actions against and excessive monitoring of employees is neither a primary
purpose nor an intended result of the utilization of GPS equipment.
It is agreed that there will be no excessive monitoring of the
system. No member of the company, nor its agents, shall conduct “trolling” of the database for
alleged violations. The company agrees
that it shall not randomly review information available through the system or
utilize such information for disciplinary purposes unless a review has been
prompted by a “qualifying event”, such as a visual observation by a company employee;
repeated unreasonable requests for exception time, a complaint of an offense
alleged by a student, parent, or member of the public based on specific
evidence; or a complaint regarding driver on-time performance.
4. The Company further agrees
that the information contained in and derived from any GPS reports shall not be disclosed to any third party,
except in a disciplinary action when supported by independent facts and
justification or as required by laws or contract, provided further that the
Company shall provide the Union with GPS reports if relevant to a lawful Union
5. The Company agrees that all prior
discipline based on GPS data are hereby withdrawn and employees files
shall be purged of all said discipline. All prior grievances indentified by the
parties as of August 20, 2008 are to be settled as agreed
by the parties (in separate agreements) and the Union’s Class Action GPS
grievance is hereby withdrawn.
6. In the event that the
Company plans to rely on information obtained from GPS for disciplinary purposes, the Company shall
provide a copy of such information to the Union.
7. The Company will provide
to the Union, on a monthly basis, the GPS system administrator’s log-in report and will
provide all pertinent information included in that report
8. The parties agree that creation and re-evaluation
of flat rates shall not be based on GPS data but shall remain as described in the
contract. GPS data will not be used in
the process.
parties agree that information obtained by GPS will generally be used for guidance and
instructional purposes. Any minor
infraction such as “idling”, “off route” and “unauthorized use” that in any
part is verified by the use of GPS will not count as a first offense for the
purpose of progressive discipline. Such
infraction will result in counseling of the employee by management. Repeat offenders for minor infractions will
be subject to progressive discipline.
It is understood that the Company may use information obtained by GPS for discipline in the case of serious offenses
and criminal allegations in the first instance.
The Company agrees that it will not use GPS data to support any disciplinary action for at
any time prior to six months from the date of the execution of this agreement.
10. First Student will provide
access to view the GPS system for up to three Union members as
designated by the Union President in writing to the Region Vice-President. Access will be limited to these Union members.
Non-compliance with this paragraph may result in cancellation of this
access. It is understood that the
Company shall grant all requests by the Union for reports from the GPS system.
11. The Company agrees it will
not discipline a driver based upon the utilization of GPS records that are more than thirteen (13)
months prior to the implementation of the discipline.
12. No discipline shall be
based solely on GPS data, but will be based upon independent facts
and justification that comport with the “just cause” standards and provisions
of the Labor Agreement. It is agreed
that the immediate supervisor and/or Terminal Manager, in consultation with the
Contract Compliance Manager, HR Manager, and/or the Region Vice-President shall
have the responsibility to make the initial determination as to whether a Union
employee’s activity is appropriate or not.
The parties agree that information obtained by GPS will generally be used for guidance and
instruction. The procedure for handling
inquiries into “qualifying events” involving allegations against an employee
shall be as follows:
The Company shall make a reasonable attempt via the radio to contact the
employee to inform him/her of the alleged offense and inform the Union
The Company will inform the employee and his/her union representative when
he/she returns to the yard that the Company will be conducting a GPS inquiry.
The Union and the employee will receive copies of any reports generated as
a result of the GPS review.
As soon as practicable the employee and his/her union representative will
meet with the Supervisor to attempt to resolve the matter.

The Boston School Department, the
Mayor of the City of Boston and the United Steelworkers and Local 8751 agree:
- The
City agrees to contain in any bid specifications for bus transportation
that will be provided during the period of the Agreement a requirement
that the vendor or vendors, should there be multiple vendors, will
recognize the Union as the collective bargaining representative of all
employees employed by such vendor(s) who furnish regular and special
service under the terms of the vendor(s) contract;
- The
City agrees to contain in any bid specifications for bus transportation
that will be provided during the period of this Agreement a requirement
that any new vendor(s) give preference for available continued employment
in order of seniority to employees employed by the preceding vendor(s);
- The
City agrees to contain in any bid specifications for bus transportation
that will be provided during the period of this Agreement a requirement
that any new vendor(s) shall agree to be bound by the terms of the
collective bargaining agreement, ratified on December 15, 2011, between
the United Steelworkers, Local 8751 and First Student for as long as First
Student agreed to be bound by the same agreement, specifically for the
period commencing July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014;
The Union agrees that there will be no
strikes, stoppage of work, or slowdowns during the life of this Agreement. The Union agrees that in the event of any
violation of the previous sentence, the Union will immediately order that such
violation cease and that the work be fully resumed;
This Agreement shall be in effect from
the date of 
execution through June 30, 2015;
The Boston School Department, the
Mayor of the City of Boston, and the United Steelworkers and Local 8751, in an
effort to resolve concerns over job security and to promote transportation
service stability, enter into this binding Letter of Agreement.
If the School Committee or the City
determines to provide school bus services using its own employees, rather than
entering into a contract with a private vendor, for work to be performed during
the term of this agreement, the School Committee or the City agrees to be bound
by the terms of the collective bargaining agreement and other memoranda of
agreement with the Union so long as they are in effect. In such case, the City or the School
Committee will offer available employment to employees in order of seniority,
will honor the employees’ seniority under the collective bargaining agreement
for wages, benefits and competitive purposes, and will recognize the Union.
The terms and conditions of the
2011-2014 agreement with First Student Inc. will continue in effect during its
term and, the School Committee or City will meet to negotiate a new collective
bargaining agreement to be effective as of the expiration of the prior
agreement; This Agreement will be in effect through June 30, 2015.
This Agreement is subject to the
approval of the Boston School Committee, and subject to the ratification of the
Union; The Union agrees that there will be no strikes, stoppages of work, or
slowdowns during the life of this Agreement.
The Union agrees that in the event of any violation of the previous
sentence, the Union will immediately order that such violation cease and that
the work be fully resumed; and

401 K......................................................................... 117,
Absenteeism........................................................................ 85
Accident.............................................. 31,
97, 107, 108, 112
Arbitration................................. 2, 7,
40, 60, 63, 66, 67, 68,
69, 70, 72, 74, 76
ARC..................................................... 93,
94, 95, 96, 97, 98
Bonus........................................................... 125
Benefit....................................................................... 127,
Bereavement.............................................................. 34,
Blood Bank................................................................ 36,
Bonus................................................................................. 125
Cancellation...................................................................... 114
CDL............................................................ 23,
27, 28, 30, 45
Charter.............................. 10, 22,
25, 43, 44, 45, 102, 103
Steward...................................................................... 99
Child Care................................................... 33,
38, 123, 124
Citywide......................................................................... 14,
Rights Committee........................................................ 6
Court................................................................................... 115
Union...................................................................... 116
D.O.T.............................................................................. 30,
Dental................................................................................. 113
Care Reimbursement Account.................. 124
Disability............................................................ 35,
108, 109
Discharge.............................................................................. 71
Discipline....................................................................... 71,
Discrimination................................................................... 5,
Bus........................................................................ 102
Partner.............................................................. 111
Screening..................................................... 30
Education............................................................................. 16
ELC................................................................................ 61,
Emergency.................................................................... 15,
Time................................................................... 61
Committee.......................................................... 20
Flat Rate............................................................................... 53
GPS...................... 132, 133, 134,
135, 136, 137, 138, 139
Grievance................................................................ 63,
71, 72
Holiday............................................................... 43,
114, 126
Illness.................................................................................... 35
Insurance................. 31, 95, 106, 107,
108, 112, 127, 129
Occupational Health Committee........................... 24
Jury Duty..................................................................... 35,
Leave of
Absence............................................................... 31
License.................................................................. 28,
95, 123
Licensing.............................................................................. 26
Long Term
Disability.............................................. 109,
Lost Time...................................................................... 80,
Lunch.................................................................................... 54
List......................................................................... 100
Maternity............................................................................. 32
Medical................................................................. 13,
31, 125
Savings Account............................................... 125
Insurance................................................. 104,
Mid........................................................................................ 62
Military........................................................................ 33,
Minimum........................................................................... 131
Monitor............................................................................ 8,
Officer........................................................ 73,
75, 76, 82, 83
Orientation........................................................................... 91
Out of
Service...................................................................... 14
Overtime................................................................................. 9
Pay...................................................................... 91,
108, 114
Pension.................................. 116,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122
Business............................................................... 37
Days.......................................................... 114,
Probationary.......................................................................... 7
of Motor Vehicles............................................... 14
Rate................................................................ 61,
Retirement.............................................. 104,
117, 118, 119
Evaluation............................................................... 56
Review Committee................................................. 59
Safety.............................. 13, 14,
16, 17, 19, 24, 60, 95, 97
Policy Committee..................................... 13,
14, 17
SARP....................................................................... 31,
32, 35
Committee................. 2, 12,
72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 99
School Department........................ 11, 14, 21, 24, 40, 45,
48, 58,
61, 72, 74, 133
Seniority.......................... 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 50
Severance.......................................................................... 114
Bus........................................................................ 102
and Accident....................................................... 31
Snow................................................................................... 111
Standby................................................................................ 62
Steward.......................................................................... 81,
Abuse Rehabilitation Program............... 31,
Unemployment................................ 36,
Tardiness.............................................................................. 85
Termination......................................................................... 41
Training............................................................ 13,
21, 24, 29
Unemployment.......................................................... 12,
Business.................................................................... 37
Vision.................................................................................. 112
Wheelchair........................................................................... 16
Compensation............................................ 39,
Zonar................................................................ 131,
133, 145